Proud Family: Louder and Prouder

New episode dropped today
>It All Started with an Orange Basketball
Michael is a gay Steph Curry

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I dont care what anyone in these threads thinks. Michael has the strongest dialogue out of all the main characters.

Maya's dialogue is fucking AWFUL and they're doing that fucking bit again where Lacienga is just reverted backwards to how she was in the original series. This doesn't feel like a continuation at all it feels like a remake.

Not only that when Wizard Kelly dropped that check off at the Proud's house that check meant that technically...Penny was now RICHER then Lacieniga.

Magical Homo

Was he right?

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can a kinda user drop a MEGA before the thread gets weird

Michael has been pretty funny so far. He's been good as the Sticky replacement

Funny episode. Nice to see Michael still likes basketball. Don't know how I feel about Maya being a perpetual shit stirer yet.

Literally who?

>He's been good as the Sticky replacement
Sad, considering sticky was a far better character.

>Michael is a gay Steph Curry
at least they kept that

>dude space jam lmao

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Always was

Always ways

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White men have always lusted after black men's assholes. That's why they started the slave trade.

what did he even say?

Homosexuality is a ploy by the white man to put black men down

yeah but that sounds kinda funny

It is funny

Lacienega always was a cunt despite being helped, I don’t see what’s the whole issue.
There is a change with Dijonay though, this episode she backed up Penny and confronted Laciniega about trying to steal Penny’s date.

The original one wouldn’t say a word about it and even tell Penny to get over it.

>Uncle Ruckus is canon in the Proudverse

With Maya being the new cunt #2, they had to make Dijonay nicer

>Not only that when Wizard Kelly dropped that check off at
I got Aries back?

......I legitimately want to see the notes on the mental math he used to reach that conclusion

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