I am interested in what you have to say about the Ice Age series

I am interested in what you have to say about the Ice Age series

Attached: ice-age-movies-in-order.jpg (1400x700, 195.43K)

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i saw the first movie in theatres and liked it a lot.

I remember thinking the first movie was funny when I was in middle school but I never watched anything else Ice Age related and have never revisited it to see if it holds up to my current tastes.

I wanted the film franchise to continue endlessly just to see the max amount of subplots they could fit into a single movie.

The first movie was pretty good, then the films got more and more stupid as the franchise went on.

I Watched a couple of them and they are ok. nothing particularly interesting just the type of stuff that you would forget

this series is extremely similar to Shrek, altought i could be exaggerating
>cynical protagonist who wants to be alone
>annoying comedy relief that is saved by the protag in the beggining of the film
>feline who firstly got sent to kill the protag but gets redeem and joins the pack

The first was great.
The rest are completely different, and you're not missing anything

First movie is fucking kino. Everything else is trash.

Bunny and Ice Age 1 are kino and different from everything Blue Sky made afterwards

>Tokyo Godfathers but with bad jokes
not for me

Bunny is that 1998 short made by Blue Sky before Ice Age. Same director

The female squirrel had a huge ass, that's all.

I'm salty the Jessie J song " My Superstar" from the 4th film never got an official release

One of my childhood series and was always pissed that no one ever talked about it. I was really hyped to see 2 and 3 in theaters. I even had a Nickelodeon Magazine with 3 on it. Then 4, 5, and "6" came out and I'm glad people forgot about it.
I still remember being right at the age limit after the first movie to get away with doing dumb child shit before it started looking autistic. I used to play around like Scrat with a soccer ball. I feel bad for the children growing up watching Minions and acting like literal slaves. At least they're eating bananas right?

Attached: minions.jpg (720x960, 103.58K)

It does…a job…of movie cartoon.

First movie is really good, but the quality only goes down as the series progresses.

The first movie is good, the second (and third?) one is ok, the rest is shit.

I think I know how to make the next big animated franchise whose merchandise will dominate American retail stores for a few years or so.
>grumpy main lead
>Talkative Comedic relief character that annoys our main lead but slowly warms up to them
>Main conflict has the main lead in a tricky situation that puts him out of his comfort zone caused by the villain or his own huberis.
>Usually they'll have a change of heart by the end and be more open to others
>Make the first two absolute masterpieces then do fuck all with the third movie. You have the public's trust and money so why bother trying amrite?

Attached: 20220302_155635.jpg (1280x1280, 1016.17K)

1-3 are good, 4 is fine or tolerable, 5 is bad, and the Scrat shorts are great. Best thing about it is the animation that gets increasingly better as it goes along and the main trio are consistently the better characters in all the films. Except 5 but that film's writing clearly felt like it struggling.

I remember this!
It used to make me mildly uncomfortable when I was younger

I look like the mammoth irl

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