How has the physique of superheroes evolved over the years? Couldmodern comics get away with silver age bodies...

How has the physique of superheroes evolved over the years? Couldmodern comics get away with silver age bodies? Before the mid 80s I don’t think there were a lot of male superheroes that were illustrated as having bodybuilder physiques. Female superheroes didn’t really get ripped until the 90s, and even in the past 30 years they have never been huge.

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I always refuse when girls ask for nudes or even just lewd/shirtless/underwear pictures. Feels like nothing good could ever come from it.


You are correct. Women have no sense of shame or privacy. Anything you share with a woman will be seen or known by every person in their social circle in a week, guaranteed, even if you shared it in completely private confidence.

still flattering for them to wanna see you tho

They've become more diverse. Honestly I think that's why people gravitate towards superheroes so much and see the comics and other media as their best chance for representation because...

1) It's contemporary and relevant
2) It's making a shitload a cash at the box office/streaming/whatever

And, 3) the most important reason, if people have superpowers, they don't necessarily need a big physique. They have superpowers, end of discussion. Person's in a wheelchair? Telekinesis, bam. Skinny Indian teenager? She's got super strength cause that's her power, deal with it. Superhero stories often deal with faraway, exotic locations, which means more excuses to add in heroes from anywhere in the world.

Obviously for the comics artists can more easily draw their perceived ideal of a hero in terms of physique, certainly inspired by the rise of bodybuilding in the last fifty years. I like Alex Ross' stuff because I like his approach for their costumes and physiques in general. I thought his X-Men concept was pretty cool, too.

Yes, user.
They usually have a friends group where they show those pictures, so chances are a group of Starbucks latte-slurping harpies will see your dong.

superpowers are no excuse to not be Any Forums. You'd die to the first wave of skrulls

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>Couldmodern comics get away with silver age bodies? Before the mid 80s I don’t think there were a lot of male superheroes that were illustrated as having bodybuilder physiques.
I think it's more a case of standards changing. early superheroes were partly based on strongmen so were 1930s ripped. The female characters were definitely less muscular tho for decades which made little sense for ones like Widow or Mockingbird. Not that they should be Cap ripped but they should at least look tones rather than just skinny


? Reciprocal nudes come from it. That's good. I mean I get not putting your face in a pic along with your dick, but if they were ever leaked, that's on the assailant. Not you. You'd be the victim these days. t. someone with an average 7 inch dick, might be different for dicklets i dunno

Kys faggot

Smart. Girl I was flirting with wanted a dick pic. I sent her one, and we kept flirting for a while after that, but I realized much later she'd never sent me anything back and now there's a picture of my dick possibly floating around out there.

>Hawkeye says he'd put his bow up against Cap's fist
>Cap uses his knee to break the bow
Cheating piece of shit.

>Before the mid 80s I don’t think there were a lot of male superheroes that were illustrated as having bodybuilder physiques.
Golden Age Batman, Superman, Captain Marvel etc had circus strongman builds.

Your idea of superheroes could get their ass kicked by the average X-Men, who used to have intensive training, if something unexpected happened. Part of a proper superhero story involves some kind of strategy to circumvent extraordinary circumstances.

There's examples of Sue Richards fighting... Dr Doom I think? with judo moves taught by Reed, who happened to be an expert. Cyclops once beat up his whole team to get them into shape, a lot of it involved melee fighting. Hell even Xavier could probably take on the average thug fighting from his wheelchair.

Correct response.

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there's no cheating in a fight, maggot. Now drop and give me 50

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>Couldmodern comics get away with silver age bodies?
No, because those are boring af.

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This gym thot has bigger boobs than you'll see in a Marvel comic on shelves in the Current Year. Not saying everything about the 90s was perfect; sometimes you could only tell females apart by the hair color and style because pencilers were too busy getting the T and A right.

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>sometimes you could only tell females apart by the hair color and style
I mean, better than with Greg Land now, if at least they changed hair styles.

Super-heroes are best when they look like runners or swimmers, normal humans are in great athletic shape. It's believable that they could run up a fire escape or swing in through a window.

Body-builders look impressive (if you like that look) but they're not great athletes. You don't see guys with steroid/weight training bulk competing as runners, swimmers or acrobats.

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You don't understand the difference between posing on a stage all dehydrated and roided up, and with actually being able to run, fight and do various athletic feats.