Disney bros…

Disney bros…

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And on that day,democracy was saved
>gets nuked anyways

Stunning, brave, and powerful.

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>no official release of capeshit in a country with widespread piracy
Worthless. Based, but worthless.

oh no how will they live without capeshit

that's probably the biggest reason they decided to pull this as a pr stunt

If WWIII breaks out how much you bet they will still release films in China despite them allying with Russia.

WWIII is a meme. If it happens then expect Fallout timeline to become canon.

I think it can happen without nukes falling since rich people obviously don't want to die from this war.

Is there some financial incentive to this or is it more knee-jerk virtue signaling nonsense?

>civilians don’t get to watch movies because their government is evil
So when is all media getting banned in the USA?

both? you can't make terrible live action adaptions of disney films if that one country everyone is dog piling against turns your customers into a smouldering nuclear crater

Lucky ruskies


Was that Simpsons flag pic real?

>Muricas pretend they have balls while being rawdogged by China literally all day everyday

Why even bother

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Seeing China closing off, it probably wouldn't even matter.

Protesting nuclear war is virtue signaling now? Damn the mind rot is real. Can't make this shit up.

China is barely helping Russia, mainly just not fucking them over as hard as the rest of the world that has money.

China's mainly just looking forward to looting the broken remains of their economy when this is all done.

>Jewish media pulls out of Russia.
Now do the same for the rest of the world

Call me when they do the same in china for the uigur genocide lmao

>Mind control
Real chads want a girl who's slavishly loyal to them by choice.

You have to be retarded to believe this. Russia's economy is in shambles. China's is doing much better relatively. There's no reason they won't let Russia take most of the pie.

>taiwan chink pretends to care about uigurs
All the same.