Forgive me if there was much shitposting here about this. I didn't see it...

Forgive me if there was much shitposting here about this. I didn't see it. What was Any Forums's opinion on Superman Red and Blue? I thought the art was gorgeous.

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It was awful. These types of comics used to be about the characters and universes not about diversity hires lamenting or using them as soapboxes.

And it wasn’t helped by introducing the entire series with that piece of shit Ridley having Superman get raped.

>It was awful. These types of comics used to be about the characters and universes not about diversity hires lamenting or using them as soapboxes.

Did you read the comic or are you told that the entire book is nothing but soapboxes by Youtubers

In his defense, a little Pakistani immigrant does save Superman's life in like, the very next story and Superman calls him his hero, right after getting raped, so you can't blame anyone for looking at this like it's political even though I don't think it is (all the way down).

>y-you must not have read it if you disagree with me

Here let me do that too

Did you read the comic or were you told it was gorgeous by people on Twitter?

So you didn't read the book and got your opinion from some Youtuber, then.

Yeah I bought an issue, I really liked the art.

The prison rape part overshadowed everything else so much, nobody ever talks about anything else from it.
Then again, nobody talks about the latest Batman Black and Whites either, or about similar books in that vein. The novelty factor just ran out.

Jfc no I read every single one on RCO after dropping it from my pull list.

What am I supposed to enjoy? Easton crying about heroin addicts? Fiffe taking the piss out of the entire genre in issue 3?

You liking it doesn’t mean I didn’t read it faggot.

That's reasonable, they did it right at the beginning, so...

That’s because they used these as vehicles to get their diversity hires a writing credit. They didn’t edit them or curate them in any sensible way.

DC has had several series like this throughout the years, legends of the dark knight for one, legends of the dc universe another, a bunch of episodic and anthology books that gave us awesome stories.

But they weren’t prefaced on making a statement or using the opportunity to lecture readers, they were explorations of the universe that couldn’t be achieved in continuity laden, event fallout canon.

They simply used the iconic versions of the characters as if events weren’t happening and wrote loving, in character stories.

The rape story was indicative of everything this series shouldn’t have been. A bastardization of an older story by a modern writer convinced his shit doesn’t stink and that he was going to make “better” by adding some corny semi topical shit.

Which I know Ridley can do considering he wrote a pretty decent Wolverine story for that anthology series. He despises DC comics characters and the Americana they represent.

I don't like the first story but it does have merit in that it could provide the reader with some catharsis for overcoming shame and trauma and not taking revenge.

At the same time though, having Superman get raped is... yeah.

Manapul was maybe the only one in the entire five issues to write a good story.

Also I notice misses touchy little cunt hasn’t chimed back in with what she liked about it. Almost like she didn’t want to discuss anything but people not liking the first story.

Looks like you were right.

The first issue had Superman getting raped by Russians which left a bad taste in many readers.

He wasn't raped the story only talk about torture. It's a continuation of a story from the 70s.

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The rape is implicit.

How? Him and the guards still had their pants on.

Superman’s anus says otherwise.

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he says he was left exposed
he says he was left vulnerable
he says "they did things" after a brief pause.

if they had their pants down it would be explicit, not implicit. because then it becomes obvious to the point where you'd have to be a retard to deny it.

It’s not a continuation as I said above you fucking faggot ass casual it’s a retcon.

Honestly most of it didn’t get any better.

Looks like I still was. She came back just to post the page and act like I’m a casual despite noting Ridley retconned the earlier story into something sick and demented.