DC Evicted from their Burbank Offices


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>DC Comics staff, who had still been working from home, had been allowed into the Burbank headquarters building to retrieve their belongings which they couldn't get at during the lockdowns. That they had been told that Warners was to going to "using the space for something else" and that DC Comics will no longer have access to these three floors of prime Warner Bros real estate. And everyone was moving again to offices close by.

>one DC Comics staffer saw them packing up their cubicle for the new DC building, and confirming that they will now be working on a "hot desk" model in the new building. Also known as "shared workspace", that indicates an office working environment in which people are not all in the office at the same time. So desks are not attributed to any one person, any employee can sit down and use a desk as if it were their own. So you can have fewer desks than staff, which cut costs in terms of office space, and technology needs, but it can also create quite the soulless working environment, devoid of personal quirks.

>Senior staff may have more of a permanent presence. Who they will be sharing space in the new building, may shed light on the DC merger rumours I was hearing from senior sources previously. I am told to see this move in that light, as Warner Bros reorganises its various divisions ahead of the upcoming conglomerated Discovery sale.

Good grief, what a shitshow of a company.

>I am told to see this move in that light, as Warner Bros reorganises its various divisions ahead of the upcoming conglomerated Discovery sale.

PLEASE fire Jim Lee....

I don't even read capeshit anymore. What a morbid husk of a medium. Do better, America. Europe & Japan make better quality comics, and they sell better too.

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>It's time for some DC Comics reportage. Some people say that Bleeding Cool runs every story we get regardless of its provenance or likelihood. That's just not true, stories are weighed up by the reliability of sources, the closeness to the situation and number of confirmations.

>DC staff has fewer desks now? THIS IS WHY WOKENESS IS DESTROY8NG COMICS!!1!1!1!


quick let's start a ridiculous rumor so rich the leech can report on it and then look like a fool

Hot desking makes a lot of sense for DC. Why pay for/ occupy three floors of space when most of your staff are just looking for a quiet place to work.

Have 1 floor of staff, permanent desk for senior editorial and have the remaining staff work from home and hot desk in for key meetings.


DC is making Mary Marvel full lesbian in upcoming Shazam miniseries.

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Pass it on

Capeshit are shit. I'm sorry, user.

Discovery already making great changes!

I don't think this has anything to do with the "woke broke" meme, but it still seems like this is a bad sign for DC. I fear the idea that AT&T will pear down the publishing stuff and just do enough to keep the IPs for possible Warner adaptations while the comics pretty much die.

AT&T doesn't own DC or Warner.

For what they did to Superman over the course of the last ten years DC deserves no sympathy from us at all.

I guarantee you that Jim Lee will go down with the ship, he's counting the money in his golden parachute.