What killed the hype?

What killed the hype?

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I just found out thid existed, so there was no hype, also, haven't even watched season 2

S2 is good.

Isn't there supposed to be another half of this season coming?

Yeah and nobody is talking about it.

Probably because there's still no release date LMAO

The trailer said it was coming out this spring.

Because it's fucking garbage now. Did that really need to be spelled out for you?


Why is every time a kid's cartoon when they go "full adult mode" gets all fucking edgy and shit? It's a real tonal whiplash and it honesty makes me uncomfortable seeing these cartoon characters of a sudden killing people and shit.

Yeah more beast boy. Also wish I had the screen cap and not a meme but I'm not wasting time for that.

Attached: its-not-so-much-that-i-want-to-kill-her-its-just-i-want-her-to-not-be-alive-anymore.jpg (522x653, 114.57K)

3, i meant 3

Write a blog post about it, pussy.

Because this show fell off a cliff in terms of quality Season 3 onward. Its plot is aimless and drifts in different directions with nothing substantive connecting the seasons except the OG team. Way too many characters and plot points keep getting introduced and then left hangining because the writers have the plotting of 12 years old on Adderall. There's like 4 different superhero teams operating within the show with more and more new heroes constantly being thrown in.

If I was a betting man I would say the literal decade between seasons.

Said it once and I'll say it again' timeskips were the worst thing the series ever could have done starting from the very first one. The first team had way better chemistry than all of the rest combined and that's really what series like this are all about. Imagine if 03 titans had a timeskip that split up the 5. It would have never taken off and developed such a rabid fanbase

>It would have never taken off and developed such a rabid fanbase

I wish to live in a world with one less cancerous fanbase.

The terrible marketing. Surprise releases never work out, even worse now that they're being coy about it despite not having an event like Fandome to promote it.

A sign that HBO Max will kill this show and Harley Quinn to focus on their new stuff moving forward.


Yeah, writers were honestly hacks to add constant time skips since its easier to write things in.

New heroes on the team? They joined during the time skip.

Relationship drama happened? Too bad, we'll just deal with the resolution after being drip-fed about what happened.

The show got too bloated too fast. It would have been better to stick with the OG team and add new members and allow them to have their own arcs and their own moments.

Killing off Wally and giving Barry his suit was also a shit move.

I thought they gave the kid flash outfit to Bart