Why is Superman such a horrible father...

Why is Superman such a horrible father? Batman didn't try to avoid his son that he had without his knowledge and consistent.

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Kon-El is his rapebaby that was created without his consent. Superman doesn't owe him anything.

You can't force yourself to love someone unconditionally.

Damian was originally a rapebaby and Batman still accepted him as his son.

>Why is Superman such a horrible father?
Drama brah, you notice how this isn't an issue back in the comics.

>you notice how this isn't an issue back in the comics

This is why batman is better.

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Superman never treated Conner like his son. More like an annoying kid brother.


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because the minute things get hard, you fold like a lawn chair and cry like a baby. If it wasn't for the comics code authority i would fucking backhand you.


Bruce actually fucked Talia
Clark never fucked Luthor

Batman got to have sex with Talia, Lex stole Superman's dna, basically, Lex pull a crazy ex-girlfriend move, of course our Man Of Steel would want to keep himself out of it.

Why did Connor left Lex anyway?

he can change that very easily

Talia and Bruce loved each other and had deep emotional connections, Lex and Clark don't like each other and have nothing close to a familial/romantic relationship

That isn't even Batman, it's Dick.

He was shocked at first but eventually he becomes Clark’s adopted brother.

How are they brothers? Luthor made superboy by mixing his and Superman DNA. Did they retcon him into using Superman parents DNA?

They reconcile.
It's just difficult, sometimes, for people to come to terms with having rape babies.

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Because it's a shitty cartoon made to appeal to shitty teens who think their spoiled retard lives are shittier than they actually are.

he means the sense of their relationship, not their literal relationship.

No, Clark just shipped Connor off to the farm for a while.

Clark is Conner's biological father.

god, that looks awful.

Yes. Are you incapable of reading? I said--not--their literal relationship. Also, it technically is their literal relationship, as well, since Kon was adopted by the Kents.