Now that the dust has settled, was TLK a ripoff?

Now that the dust has settled, was TLK a ripoff?

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No. It was kino

Attached: Lion-King-Wallpaper.jpg (576x1024, 48.03K)


How was it not?


I'd say yes.
I don't buy any expert animators in the early 90s really having no idea about Tezuka's work and coming with such a similar idea by coincidence. At most, SOMEONE in the crew should have noticed and pointed it out early in development.
Tezuka Productions just didn't want to pick a fight with Disney.

Yes, it's just Bambi.

A decent amount of people knew that the situation was hearsay and out-of-context long before this video was made. It just shows how easy people are manipulated by gossip of things they don't really know about. It's the sad truth, but this mindset seeps into much more dangerous and real-life stuff all the time.

wtf why are all the neighborhood dogs jumping out of the windows and stampeding away

No, "ripoff" means coasting on pre-existing popularity.

No. The only Kimba shit TLK's similar to came after Lion King. Anime was nowhere near big enough for TLK's animators or producers to have seen the older movie. Their names are similar because "Simba" is an actual Swhaili word, meaning "Lion".

So only one adaption of jungle life under lion rule is allowed to exist?

>At most, SOMEONE in the crew should have noticed and pointed it out early in development.
They did, there's interviews with crew members saying they went into the project thinking they were making a Kimba movie.


It really is a case in, if something is repeated enough it becomes truth. I see this with so much shit today it makes me want to check out of life all together.

"Kimba" isn't even named Kimba in the original anyway, his original name was Leo.

If you actually *read* those quotes it's more like one or two people saying they mishead the name "Simba" as "Kimba", though that's probably a "memory" created by a leading question from interviewers.

I'm still convinced that the project was a Kimba adaption very, very, very early in production, but they moved away from it pretty quick. The only thing that stuck around from that era were a few pieces of imagery. Beyond that, The Lion King has fuck-all to do with Kimba, story-wise.

That too but after people heard about the Kimba IP they wouldn't shut up about one being named after the other even if it were unfeasible. The works have little do with each other. Had Disney made Jungle King by then?

Lion King is overrated shit, it's a toothless family loser friendly version of Hamlet. I hate this horrible movie so much because people can't stop pretending that it's good.

I meant Jungle Book and the answer's yes. Also Robin Hood. It's not like they were new to talking animals.

Even if it as "ripoff" it's better in every way than the shows and Manga, and will be remembered for far longer

>nooooooo, you can't make a movie based on the general plot of a Shakespeare play (the uncle killing dad/revenge thing) because..... because!!
>you need to make a stupid anime where the dumb lion kid drags his dad's corpse around

Only because normies are Retards for Disney.

You haven't bothered to watch or read Kimba, if you did you'd recognize its shit

Jungles or animals in animation was not new, even by the times of the late 60s and early 70s. There are shorts created by Disney on that subject in the early days.

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My complaint is Disney makes censored shit and they are rewarded by idiots who should be burned to death. Disney is the reason western animation has no real future.

this. even secondaries who only engage with nip shit because of social media never watch the 60s Kimba movie.

>le funny youtube man said so it must be true

I'm not saying Robin Hood was their first talking animal thing, but it was the first feature-length that came to mind. But thanks for the info.
They make family movies that people of various age ranges can watch. Kimba was made by retards who didn't know what audience they were aiming for. And something can't be "censored" unless the original cut wasn't.

No, it was not. This slander against TLK is ridiculous. No one even gives a fuck about Kimba the White Lion without mentioning the Lion King.

He didn't say Lion King was a rip-off, he said it's a made-up rumor. He literally made an autistic essay that's longer than the films just to prove it.

The original Kimba TV series ran in reruns on NBC until 1980. The staff working on the Lion King were absolutely the right age to have at least seen it on TV (and this was pre-cable, so there were only a handful of channel to watch).

Parents would not be okay with their little children (Disney's primary audience) watching a 1-to-1 retelling of Hamlet. Shakespeare isn't for children. No amount of edginess argument will convince me.

>all the similarities are purely coincidence, we swear!

I think there would be more substantial similarities if it were the case.

A fanfic that was tweaked from the original enough it turned into its own thing. That's just how most IPs are made anyway.

is remaking shakespeare tales the only thing disney does for the most part?

I'm not saying The Lion King is intentionally based on Kimba, only that it's extremely unlikely the staff hadn't at least seen the show when they were kids. It wasn't really obscure by any stretch.

Disney/Pixar rips off stuff all the time and nobody gives a fuck:

No, they also like Hans Christian Andersen's fairytales.

The real ground zero is Bambi from 1942. I am not sure if this is considered widely known knowledge, but Bambi was apparently Tezuka's favorite film. He even made an unlicensed manga version of it, which obviously was legally questionable until Disney said it was okay decades later.

Bambi definitely would've been a big influence on Tezuka's own material, and that's quite obvious given how much he was into the "humans cause unnecessary destruction" thing. The same thing goes for most of the Ghibli films too - a lot of those films have the same sort of peace moral that came from 1 part of Bambi.

Attached: bambi-cover1.jpg (437x600, 106.11K)

Hanna Barbara were the ones that established the paradigm of animation as cheap garbage to sell cereal to kids, not Disney.

This would seem reasonable. Didn't he base a lot of his style on Bambi?