Mary Jane Solo book ideas

I'm gonna test this out, but the ASM is going to be relaunched again with a new #01, but in #02 Peter & Mary Jane break up again for who knows how long

With Peter in a single role again the question I'd this. If a Mary Jane solo book was relaunched then what would you like to see her do?

Also if anyone like, post some MJ art if you're at it

Attached: Mary.Jane.Watson.full.2916308.jpg (388x600, 40.5K)

Break Up issue here

Attached: asm2022002cover.jpg (739x1109, 183.44K)

just pages of her modeling underwear

Bring Bruce back into her life

Won't be the same Bruce for obvious reasons, but a Bruce to sway her again as he almost did

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>If a Mary Jane solo book was relaunched then what would you like to see her do?
Its retconned that MJ is a mutant and joins Krakoa and has a poly relationship with Logan and Jean

Attached: da1tr6q-dbb4d102-76bd-4485-8e94-b08f48f040fa.jpg (545x800, 205.4K)

Hoe does that work exactly?

Let these two do each other in costume

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>If a Mary Jane solo book was relaunched then what would you like to see her do?
Marry Pete.
I know MJ is probably in the top 3 most popular super hero love interests (with Lois Lane and... I dunno, someone else), but having her be passed around by heroes feels disrespectful to the character and women in general. Kinda like all the shit that's happened to Venom. Poor symbi-boy's been passed around more often than a loose woman in a frat house.

She has a succesful Only Fans that for some reason attracts rejected mutants and inhumans.
After a group of OP original villains appears, she uses those superpowered simps to fight them. She has to use a lot of acting abilities and emotional manipulation to keep her personal army under her command, at the same time she has to balance her offline life with his completely normal boyfriend, Peter Parker.

>Buying the cover bait
OP cmon. Wells went on record saying he likes them together, and Peter has the damn ring

JMS writes a book where MJ goes to Hollywood again, but it's actually a collection of anecdotes from JMS' writing for tv era with various crazy assholes involved in the production, main star going into paranoid delusions right in the middle of shooting, dumb situations they get into lousy producing, and the whole filming set getting destroyed by wacky west coast villains in the end.
Basically, like her previous solo, but with a good writer that has experience in the field he is writing about.

Attached: jms.png (474x446, 540.92K)

The book is being relaunched in April, & nothing is certain now. Plus Spencer left the book. A new writer is taking over. So I don't think it's gonna matter even if Peter has the ring

Plus, OMD is still canon. Ain't gonna matter if Mephisto is still around

Which, AGAIN, the new writer already threw in his two cents on the relationship. The cover is to bait the clickbait shit you shilled and dumbasses like you willing to buy it

I'd like to see that honestly

Her solo book did great with the setting, & would be interesting to see what she does going back to Hollywood. Hope the same cast returns

>Falling for solicit bait
Any Forums you should be better than this. Do you also believe Peter's gonna stay on the outs with the Avengers and FF too?

>just pages of her modeling underwear
>entire issues of MJ just modelling underwear
>entire issues of MJ just taking a bath or a shower
>entire issues of MJ needing to borrow the costume of a Marvel heroine for important reasons

In the event MJ does need a costume from a marvel heroine, how does she acquire it?
Does she
>Ask Peter to ask for the costume as Spider-Man
>Ask Felicia to steal the costume, temporarily of course

Trade them some expensive lingerie she's modelling, so the entire issue is just the two of them slowly changing into each other's outfit.

Wouldn't they be sold in costume shops anyway?
Just go to a high-end costume shop, get approximately her size, and have a tailor adjust it?
Actually, can MJ sew? Seems like something she should be able to do (fixing Pete's costume from time to time while he's too unconscious to do it himself).

The writer doesn't have final say. Those above decide on certain things before they get printed & published

& how would you know that? Spencer had his chance to undo OMD but undid Sin's Past instead. So no guarantees if the heads at Marvel would continue on

>Wouldn't they be sold in costume shops anyway?
That would defeat the entire purpose of that plot.

>Just go to a high-end costume shop, get approximately her size, and have a tailor adjust it?
>actually getting it fitted to her size rather than wearing something that's either too big/too loose, or too small/too tight
You're really missing the point here, user.