Tries to kill Ben's parents for no reason

>tries to kill Ben's parents for no reason
>literally kills Ben, Gwen, and Kevin once
>commits genocide
>gets forgiven instantly cause she's sad
When will women be held accountable for their actions?

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OG Charmcaster never did any of that or ever got forgiven.

How pathetic

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Better yet, when will female villains be allowed to just be fucking villains?

user did you forget Wander Over Yonder happened?

Not being universal doesn't mean it's not common and annoying.

I know it's not Any Forums, but I just played Psychonauts 2 and was pretty thrown when the female villain was completely absolved of her crimes (including mass murder of innocents).

Two legs good, four legs bad.

They do acknowledge what a complex situation it is, though.

I get what you mean, I was just being a smartass. Was watching BTAS earlier today and it was pretty satisfying seeing Poison Ivy get kicked in the face. Pissed me off when he refused to lay a finger on that one female goon in Two-Face's origin special.

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The hell are you on about?

Stop being fucking stupid.

Ben was ready to murder his own "best friend" to protect the community when he was temporarily mad with power, but when Charmcaster literally killed him and thousands of innocents he didn't bat an eye after everything was reset. I can understand Gwen hesitating, she went soft after the original series, but he should've been ready on sight after that shit.

Kevin got the same treatment, why is it only a "women" thing in your mind?

Kevin hadn't killed anyone (though not for lack of trying), and Ben forgave him so fast because of time loop retcon bullshit. But when he went back to his old ways Gwen was literally the one thing stopping him from putting him in the ground. Meanwhile Charmcaster became worse than Kevin ever was and consistently got off relatively easy.

Yes she did?

In "Hit Em Where They Live" she teams up with Zombozo and Vulkanus and they try to kill Ben's dad while he's fixing a tire. They get BTFO.

She canonically kills Ben, Gwen and Kevin in "Enemy of My Frenemy" (also is the genocide part) and if not for her dad being pissed he was revived at the expense of so many others, Ben and friends would still be dead.

I wouldn't say she was ever really forgiven but according to the staff on AF/UA/OV if the would have continued they'd probably have Charmcaster join the main cast like Kevin did

She is eternally trapped inside a demon bag and is basically Gwen's paperweight by the end of omniverse, pity we never got that Gwen spin off.

>When will women be held accountable for their actions?
Only the ugly ones are.
If you're hot, you're just misunderstood.
That's how Maleficent became a "misunderstood good girl" as Disney realized people wanted to fuck her.

Nope, Charmcaster escaped in the "Who wants to fuck Ben" game show episode.

None of that was in the actual original show (which is the Charm you posted), so it doesn't mean a thing to me.

Don't be an autist, everything before the reboot is valid.
You forgot the Cruella movie, which was arguably worse. Even in the musical about "misunderstood" Disney villains she was seen as an irredeemable shrew.

>Don't be an autist
Where do you think we are?

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>I wouldn't say she was ever really forgiven but according to the staff on AF/UA/OV if the would have continued they'd probably have Charmcaster join the main cast as Kevin did
Not him but to me that just makes the fact Hex stopped being a villain while Charmercaster kept going with it a pointless decision if you were just going to turn both of them good in the end anyway.

Who could stay made at this?

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I will never not be mad he got stuck with the one-episode Navajo bitch, even the Tetramand princess would've been preferable but that one guy on staff had to be an autist about Ben 10,000 even though literally everyone else agreed it was an alternate universe.