Golden Age of Comics: 1938 – 1956 (18 years)

>Golden Age of Comics: 1938 – 1956 (18 years)
>Silver Age of Comics: 1956 – 1970 (14 years)
>Bronze Age of Comics: 1970 – 1985 (15 years)
>Modern Age of Comics: 1985 – present (37 years and counting)
What unifies to "Modern Age"? Have comics really just been stagnant and unchanging for nearly forty years? Could it be divided into further ages?

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>>Modern Age of Comics: 1985 – present (37 years and counting)
There's definitely been at least two separate ages within this span; it's just that nobody cares enough to separate them anymore.

One age ended in 2011 with flashpoint.
We’re in the one that started in 2011 as of right now

I tend to separate it into the Dark Age and Iron Age. Maybe add another age soon

After the bronze age came the dark age, and after the dark age came current era (which I call decompression age) and even that is coming to an end, with OGNs obliterating cape comics.
Also, the platinum age lasted for roughly 40 years as well, from the late 1890s to 1938.

I like to think of it as:
>Dark Age of Comics: 1985 - 2002
>Vinyl Age of Comics: 2002 - 2014
>Plastic Age of Comics: 2014 - Now

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We're in the stone age of comics, that's why the medium has become so crude and devoid of meaning

why are they called the golden, silver and bronze ages?

The decompression age ended like 10 years ago. Fraction's Hawkeye was a contributor

Nah, I feel like Stone Age would be pre-Platinum Age. Not to be too repetitive from my post above, but I think "Plastic Age" gives that impression pretty perfectly.

it definitely hit the post-modern era somewhere in the 00s

You forgot the Dark Age after the Bronze Age.

Not sure, and I can't be bothered looking up a source but I'm sure the term "golden age" was used since like the 50s or 60s including in the fanzines Roy Thomas co-created

Yeah but I like to compare people I don't agree with to cavemen

I tend to put the end of the Dark Age at around 1997.

I'd divide modern into
Original characters under smaller labels, edgy reboots under big 2, beginning of the end in terms of price gouging/speculation
Big 2 tries to backpedal/return characters to "normal," stupid yearly events start taking off
Revamps again, old heroes are bad, new heroes are "good," we can't write or draw for shit but buy our soap boxes!

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Maybe sub-divide by who's in charge and setting the tone..
Stan Lee, Carmine Infantino, Mort Weisinger, Jim Shooter, Dan Dideo

That's too much and Stan and some of those guys had completely different titles during the majority of their tenure. Didio called a lot of shots but never made it to EIC

With Superman its a little fuckey. Only thing I say youre missing, and this is mostly something Superman fans is Iron Age.

Iron Age 1986-1999. The last time Superman comics didnt suck ass. Characterized by the long hair at its peak.

Modern: 2000-2011 - Almost worst Superman comics in history, terrible characterization, boring.

Subdivisions take or leave
2011-2016: Nu52 Assery
2016-2018: Rebirth, saves Superman, cool mostly blue costume
2018-2019: Bendis.
Now: Superman is TOTALLY sicking DICKS now!

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The golden age is the only one that makes any sense, there is nothing significant to separate the bronze age from the silver age or the modern age from the bronze age. It's all arbitrary bs anyway