Why don't they sell comic books in supermarkets? It makes so much sense...

Why don't they sell comic books in supermarkets? It makes so much sense. I can see easily see kids asking mom to buy them an Iron Man comic in the checkout at Kroger. Nobody goes to comic shops anymore except people who already buy comic books. How will they ever attract new fans if they only sell the product in stores they new customers never go?

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Most comics aren't for little kids. Older kids can go to a comic shop.

Because comics books aren't profitable due to their high price and larger shelf footprint, even before you get to the problem of their smaller audience.

They used to, until about 1995

They still sell comic books in supermarkets over here, but mostly just scandinavian comics+Donald duck.

If it wasnt for having comics in supermarkets and gas stations when I was growing up, I probably wouldnt be into comics as much as I am. All my friends got their stuff from these sources as my town only had one shit comic shop.

Because it's an entirely outdated and unprofitable model pined after by nostalgia blinded morons.

There needs to be a way to buy comics outside of specialty shops that sell only comics, or else comics will die.

No, until 2013 for Marvel; 2017 for DC

They still had them in some supermarkets but by that point it was very rare.

Cause they dont have to. Marvel and DC are tied to the film industry making 10 times more even with their worst movies

What's even the point of comics at this point?

Comixology used to offer before the move to Amazon.

They've finally started it up again a few years ago. I see Batman and Superman comics at Wal-mart.

Wouldn't there be an issue of continuity? In my country every supermarket cashier aisle has a rack of comics next to it, but they're all national, humor focused comics aimed at kids, you can just pick whichever at random and get your moneys' worth. Can't really do that with Batman, can you? If you spot issue #36 at the rack, how can you know if you didn't need information from issue #35 to get it?

That Batman Universe comic is living proof that comics can sell, the distribution is what's killing comics. Fix the distribution problem and the writing problem will disappear soon after

They have always been there right behind the cahsier at least here in
my country. There's a national children's comic book that has always remained popular and will never leave the shelves and in the past you'd always see Disney comics too, but it's been ages since I saw one.

I don't know its shorter that watching a movie.

>No comic book store near me
>Only thing close to comics in my nearest supermarket is children's magazines
>Still a capefag despite never read a superhero comic in my life
Sucks to be me I guess, I never really read comics as a kid outside the beano and webcomics.

You can get them by mail if you subscribe on the Marvel or DC websites. They ship standard so they take forever to get there. Really cheap to get them this way though.

Floppies are a terrible format

They *might* be able to sell them again in supermarkets in two formats:

the 100 page Giants like what Walmart sold
digest-sized like Archie

That's where I was introduced to comics as a kid. Mom is doing a bunch of boring shopping, but look at all this! Racks and racks of exciting four-colour heroes having crazy adventures
Only fucked up losers go to comic shops