How do we fix the Green Lantern book?

Almost 4 years of just shitty books

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Enter lame and overused Ben 10 meme here.

> hating on morrison's book
> not even showing shitty nu-diversity lanterns

Morrison run is GOAT

Season 2 was unreadable

There's just too many Lanterns.

Not even getting into the "woke" shit but this board will continue to bitch and moan whether its Hal, Guy, Kyle, Alan, sinestro or John. And shitposters will shitpost that John is some kind of "diversity push" even though he's been around for 40 years at this point.

There's also no need multiple ongoing floppies at the same time. Whiners wanna brag about the New 52 pumping out multiple Lantern books at the same time but that's what led to the franchise being watered down. It's diminishing returns.

The best solution is probably one ongoing with a healthy amount of mini series that focus on specific characters at a time.
I don't know why you people bitch about multiple ongoing floppies and why mini series are not enough. It's better to have 8 good issues of one good story than 27 issues of deteriorating quality until its cancellation draws more publicity than the content of the book.

People who want multiple books about b listers AND argue that they have to be ongoings are just pozzed consoomers.

Regardless of execution, HBOMax kind of has it right to make the Green Lantern show an anthology show that focuses on different lanterns in time period. I'm not taking the bait about "woke" shit on that one.

Truthfully, "Batman: Urban Legends" and the Walmart Giants are the only viable future of capeshit floppies. And if there's any franchise that could benefit from one 60-80 page anthology book of several short stories -- it's the Green Lantern Corps.

Don't bother posting your fan fiction about multiple series for Guy, Kilowag, Arisa or whoever. It's autistic and the majority of readers don't give a shit and wouldn't buy half of them.

You fellas need to embrace evolution or go extinct.

I'll grant you. One male and one female earth lantern. No more.

Kyle and Jess for the earth lanterns
Hal is retired and lives a happy life with Carol
Guy is Red Lantern again
John is killed in some future Crisis
Simon isn't no longer a GL and is back on Earth and becomes racecar driver
Jo is back to his out of continuity book
Teen Lantern is just forgotten and never mention again

As someone who has Hal not just as favourite GL, but as favourite comic character, I actually wouldn't mind retiring him and I do think he needs a break. Still, I have no doubt that GL as franchise can't stand without him.

>John is killed
>Simon isn't no longer a GL
>Jo is out of continuity
>Teen Lantern is just forgotten and never mention again

kek you're such a smooth brained retarded racist.

>wants a half-mexican and a full latina to be the only earth lanterns

Enter based and red pilled cunny meme here

They should let me write it.

You know, I think that it's the problem with green lantern. So many characters but none of them can truly sustain a run for too long besides Hal who I do agree that needs a break.

green lanterns with jess & simon balanced the hal jordan glc quite nicely imo
noob earth lantern adventures for those who wanted it
space corps on the other side

yeah, one book about the Corps having adventures across the DC Cosmic universe

and one "still learning the ropes" earth adventurer is probably the most sustainable approach

there's also the issue with which Lantern goes on the Justice League etc

IMO John should be the JL Lantern for a while. There is cartoon nostalgia and its worth cashing in on.
Likewise, there's still nostalgia for the JLI era so maybe there's room for a book with Guy teaming up with Booster, Beetle, Fire, Ice (that isn't King's wanking off)

Kyle feels like a good fit for the grown-up Titans team. Buddy him up with Wally.

Would anyone be opposed to a Hal & Green Arrow teamup book?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand a Morrison book.

One book about the Corp in a sorta brave and the bold style team up with Kyle or maybe Jessica off in deep space

another book separately about Hal (John can be the lantern for the justice league) on earth dealing with protecting Coast city

Three words. Cunny love interest.

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>Would anyone be opposed to a Hal & Green Arrow teamup book?
no their a fun pain a team up book would be great unless it retardly woke like the "you don't care about black people" panel

>IMO John should be the JL Lantern for a while
same i would still rather have Hal Jordan stay in Coast city, Jess stay as a yellow lantern (maybe team up with Hal giving it a cool dynamic), Kyle in deep space training the corp & Guy being Guy

what about this?
>Hal & Ollie team-up book
>Simon & Jess having a yin/yang Green/Yellow relationship protecting Coast City
>John on the JL
>Alan on the JSA
>Kyle in over his head having to lead the Corps in space, with Guy & Kilowag as supporting charactes + team-ups with DC Cosmic characters (Jo can be a guest star)
>Teen Lantern gets rehabbed in something like Teen Titans Academy but better
>Tai Pham in YA novels

honest answer is to just bring geoff johns back

for me, glc means green lantern cunny

Look, I didn't like season one, but I could understand why people were fans.

Season 2 however was total shit to thin point of me suspecting that any of Morrison's good books were flukes.

>John is killed in some future Crisis
Alcoholic living alone in the woods. Sometimes the Manhunter shows up just to throw cans of yellow paint at his house just to remind him.