How long do you think this will last...

How long do you think this will last? No way they won't potentially kill off Flatline or make her evil for some cheap drama.

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They already went their own ways so might just have been a one-off kiss.

>MapsBros, how did you let a goth girl with parental issue beat us

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Damian finally scored! Good for him!

He's scored before, whether this lasts or not is still up in the air.

Where is this from? I stopped reading Damian stories when he was teamed up with team of dykes and other degenerates

isn't he like 8?

user....comic book romances won't last. Damian just took on step to comic book romance oblivion, this will just give future writers an excuse to make more future love interest for the boy and have them kiss him, since this was his first canon kiss. I'll give Flatline about one event or 4 issues until she's gone.

There's always second place

He's 14 now.

I hope they stay together cause most of Damian's ships are kinda bad. Damimaps is one of the better ships. Most of Damian's ships are with characters he's too young to be with like Damirae, Damicassie and Damijon. Flatline is close in age with him and they have good chemistry together.

It's from the new Robin book.

Hahaha Ravencucks btfo

Damirae shippers aren't real Raven fans. Most Raven fans hate Damirae.

I think I'll last until the next writer.

Tell that to the faggot who wrote that godawful movie.

Most Ravenfags I see actually seem to like Damirae and hate Beast boy.

That's mainly new Raven fans who don't read comics. It's older fans that hate Damirae .

I miss this energy in comic books.

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Probably because t he 2 have no connection, can't think of any reason for her it being a thing other than pairing him with a popular female character.

I thought Robin was gay now?

It is the other one that got Jean Greyed.