Has anyone claimed the Batman NFT yet?

Has anyone claimed the Batman NFT yet?

What is it? A webcomic?

Attached: C0B2E6CF-0DED-4E00-A1A6-9528289F3B5A.png (1310x586, 971.66K)

Attached: B51BE164-7883-4953-B224-C84B2E1DBEA7.jpg (944x940, 153.4K)

It's an NFT, so... a scam designed by a marketing exec who doesn't understand it beyond buzzwords, designed to market to customers who are the same

Isn’t it just pictures

it's ligma

Who's Steve Wozniak

>Friendship ended with Little caesar
>Now Papa Johns is my tie-in.

At this point I don't really have a problem with NFTs. If people are stupid enough to pay with actual money for a jpg on the internet, it's fair play that someone can profit off them being braindead morons.

Attached: vince-smelling-money.gif (560x315, 3.61M)

Most people don't care. It's mostly just some Redditors that that wig out the moment NFTs are brought up.

Attached: FKyLcPGVUAAnsCC.jpg (1200x2208, 167.71K)

It's always this type of person who writes stuff like that and then goes and do some shit that increases their carbon footprint even more

Oh sweet. An NFT

True, but it kinda sucks seeing people you like take advantage of the mentally retarded

Attached: 1644185715564.jpg (720x615, 41.5K)

Attached: pollock nfts.png (1510x695, 462.32K)

I hope FTs and the infrastructure they're built on get monopolized by either corporate or government actors, or even a merger of the two, and I hope every eleutheromaniac that tries to re-create that infrastructure gets the long arm of the law shoved up their ass until they're a literal puppet of the state.

Batman is in a webcomic now though

Attached: giantdaysbatman.png (780x1104, 86.03K)


Attached: OpusBrapus.png (1406x446, 597.33K)

It was created as some rpg game with trading then into art now its fucking cards with artificial rarity backed up with campaigns to use the money to make something. A lot of projects failed or disappeared after making money. With these promises of making a game from selling the nfts. All promises are an afterthought and not the focal point of the crap they are selling. Fuck the art, so ugly. Rather have it be art to artist worth but nftbros gotten so greedy and retarded it soiled the public image.

Attached: 1644305828111.png (540x900, 672.23K)

NFT is when anyone can fuck your wife but you're the only one with the marriage certificate.

You're not going to dissuade an eleutheromaniac by appealing to their pride. If they had any, they wouldn't be an eleutheromaniac.

It's not even that. It's links TO pictures, with no guarantee of hosting or even of keeping the picture the same due to a lack of central enforcement authority.

And crypto in general is designed to be deliberately slow to generate, so people with money are buying out literal warehouses and filling them with crypto farming machines, which is causing a global chip shortage... which is why video cards are so expensive right now.

But CEOs hear "NFT" and think "oh shit, a way to sell things to people that I couldn't sell before!" And celebrities hear "NFT" and think "it's trendy and expensive, so it must be worth it!" And cryptobros hear "NFT" and think "I can buy this and sell it later for massive profit!" And none of them stop to consider what a stupid idea it is, either because they don't have the background or because they're already too invested in it to back out without major losses.

honestly if it wasn't for the environmental impact I wouldn't give a shit about NFTs, and honestly would probably be minting them myself. they're such a fucking good scam and the marks stay dedicated to the scene no matter how many times they're tricked into giving away their jpg hyperlinks. money for the taking
