Who had the worser sendoff?

Who had the worser sendoff?

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You, when you 41% yourself, shiteating Mouseketeer.

Worse, not worser.

Kingpin. Because at least Cad Bane still did some cool shit and wasn't wearing a fucking Hawaii shirt(I know it's from the comics but it just looks strange).

>and wasn't wearing a fucking Hawaii shirt(I know it's from the comics but it just looks strange).
Ironically the outfit was Vincent D'onofrio's suggestion

Cad Bane was worse for sure. Kingpin isn't even dead.

>Cad Bane still did some cool shit
Lol no he didn't. He did a lot of walking, sneering and he only had 2 blink-and-you-missed-it fight scenes

You see it's not about the money, it's about that exaggerated swagger

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Kingpin is still alive and playing a major part in Echo you dumb fuck.

The walking, sneering and 2 blink and you missed it fight scenes are still more entertaining than whatever the fuck Kingpin was doing in this series.

>implying cad bane is dead

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>didn't bring TODO into live action
Fuck them.

I was about to tell you Todo 360 is fucking dead but when I went on Youtube to look up the scene and found out I was very wrong.

As a fan of DD Netflix but also DD and Spider-Man comics, OP's a faggot. Kingpin was great.

Hopefully D'onofrio actually gains charisma and a suave personality by the time he faces Tom's Spidey.

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How is this still the only good raceswap in Movie history?

Kingpin ain't dead, jury's still out on Cad since there was the beeping that could be a hint, or just part of his suit telling us he was dying.

>people really think Kingpin is dead

i really hope cad bane isn't dead

killing him off would be giving him the general grievous treatment. except instead of revenge like grievous, this stirnerist could be such a clear villain and shitbag you want to see defeated over a long period of time. his philosophy is even more pure than a sith's because he doesn't even have people he trains like a padawan on a regular basis. whatever he taught boba fett, he didn't stick around for. he doesn't use people enough to even claim he's ever invested in another person for anything other than money

yeah i never understood his suit either. you don't see other duros with that equipment

It’s part of the breathing apparatus that have to do with the tubes in his head as well - it’s to force his breathing, as a Jedi-Killing Bounty Hunter, in case he ever got force choked.

All of his gear is specifically designed for killing Jedi’s, and his bounties reflected that. He had no interest with in-fighting or anybody that wasn’t a Jedi usually. This entire show was fucking dumb.

>send off
It seems like both could easily come back, so it’s not worth arguing over for now. Both needed more screen time.