What is a good balance when it comes to making the Ninja Turtles differ from each other?

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There are two ways I thought about how it can be handled.
>Different species, but not too many unique accessories
>Same species, though they differ based on heights/unique gear
I'm a sucker for how Rise did a combination of the above, but I know most fans would prefer something more simple when it comes to making the turtles distinct. Which isn't a bad thing, cause usually that's all that's needed.

hmm... should the turtles have two or three toes?

Should they fit more turtle biology?

Depends on how accurate they want to be while also taking into account of the human traits they get after a mutation. 2012 turtles clearly have 3 toes, though one of the possible species they could be has 5.

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>different colored masks
>different weapons
>different personalities
>different voices
All you need unless you're a bit slow, maybe different shades of green if you want to go further, but going beyond that is unnecessary.

Fucking this.

I think the height/width differences make a certain degree of sense. Raph definitely seems like he'd be doing more weightlifting than the others and Mikey being rounder/shorter as the kid appeal character is just good marketing sense.

>four identical turtles with different weapons
Yep, it's TMNT time

In black and white

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they have two toes
because they are Ninja Turtles.

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That, and theres no way you can convince me that they all share the same diet. They are bound to turn out pretty differently as they age. Even their fighting styles will end up determining what muscles are being worked on.

>theres no way you can convince me that they all share the same diet
They live together, they are family, they live in the sewer.
They for sure have the same diet.

>Overthinking and reinventing the wheel with turtle designs when it's been nailed in damn near every incarnation before.

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Even those versions have different shaped faces. Don's got weird wide cheeks for some reason.

The exact same? I'm not sure. Maybe for shared meals but even in the same household people can have different eating habits. I have twin cousins who ended up looking pretty different physically since one of them ate less often.

For once I'd like to see Leo as the strong build type.

You don't need an "everyman" physique guy in every group.

I feel like there shouldn't be such a drastic difference between Mikey and the others in terms of height. Small differences are okay, but I'd argue that's too much.

In the first film, Leo was actually the thinnest one. To my knowledge, that's the only time that was the case.

Yeah, they look great, show their personality, and they didn't need to go through this modern shit of making the turtles look more distinct when it was accomplished with way less. I also clearly wasn't just talking about these suits.

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Having more drastic differences between characters was usually considered a good thing in cartoons. Most oldschool animators would generally encourage that sort of thing.

My point is that if you took off their masks and weapons I'd still be able to tell which turtle is which by their heights and features.

I don't really associate Leo's physique as "everyman" so much as he's sort of the lean athlete one that's most like an idealized ninja. The one built for stealth and speed and a counterpart to Raph's power build.

...And TMNT was able to nail it without doing anything drastic. Keep up.

It does it via accessories but those don't work in all situations.

It's always funny to me how in the films, the only one who was ever really able to defeat enemies consistently was Donny, especially in the third. The others were bogged down by their weapons. Leo wasn't actually allowed to cut anyone, Mikey's weapons were impractical as fuck while also being a real hazard to others and Raph's weapons are like the least cinematic weapons of all time. Sai are designed for disarming but since Raph is the most aggressive and least-patient turtle, it just never fucking worked.

Later on some writers claimed that they got the weapons they have in order to help fix their flaws, but the reality is that sai don't actually make for very interesting fights and using nunchaku as actual combat weapons is pure nonsense.