CN is running Chowder in 2022

>CN is running Chowder in 2022

Attached: chowder.jpg (1000x1500, 186.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>check schedulefag
>they are
based desu

Attached: 634967BF-658F-4AB2-A597-0597715F69CF.jpg (1212x1301, 528.79K)

holy fuck

I remember, as a kid, feeling frustrated that they would only cluster maybe an hour of the same show unless it was a marathon, and that I couldn't watch one show for like half the day. Looking at this, I would go back and slap myself if I could, honestly. I can't stand bingeshit.

Look at that. I wonder which episodes they are.
I think Mr. Fugu is a dick

Attached: 1618194530214.webm (720x1280, 401.88K)

It's the first two episodes.

They were airing Flintstones and Looney Tunes in the 90's so it's not that weird I guess?

the new CN continuity is peak soulless
no characters
just a cube with text on it and rainbow sides in a black void

this isn't even as depressing to look at as nickelodeon's programming block

I really think that Lil Nas X video got a lot of zoomer eyes on Chowder

Zoomers grew up with Chowder I thought

>I really think that Lil Nas X video got a lot of zoomer eyes on Chowder
user. Chowder has always been a core Zoomer show. What are you on about?

Attached: would i.png (476x341, 152.95K)

old cn and new cn

Attached: F2F4995A-2D55-413A-BB0A-6A3BC02F3BF3.jpg (1192x598, 181.93K)

Man I forgot how much SOUL the pilot designs had.

Attached: MV5BZDgyZmEwOTktMTY3Yy00Njc2LWIwMjEtYmRmYjQ4OTBmNzY4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x750, 73.28K)

This is at 2/22/22 at 2AM CT. Numerology is real. Also check these dubs.

>first the Lil Nas X song
>then the Christmas special running last December
>now 4 episodes running on a Tuesday

>She's The Man
What the fuck?! The Amanda Bynes movie?! What?!

The Christmas special runs every December user its a good cute special

The 22nd episode of the 2nd season is the Halloween episode. The Lil Nas X video is 2 years old. What's going on here?

I always loved the episode, it was very cute and funny. Chowder, Panini and Gorgonzola had a very lovable chemistry and really made it much better.

since when?

Which one?

>Chowder's VA lives a quiet life now
>doesn't have regrets of doing Chowder

Can I say based?

They showed 17 Again last week