ITT: Objectively terrible cartoon fathers

ITT: Objectively terrible cartoon fathers

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Compared to the other examples in this thread, he’s not that bad.

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i know these are bait, but whats terrible about them?

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He’s trying his best all things considered.

I always defended this guy because he reminds me of my own dad at times, if he was written better i think it could've been really good, single fathers don't get enough credit

Control freak who tried to make his son an exact copy of him. The series should have ended with Bobby cutting all ties with him.
Fuck the overprotective dad trope with a rusty shovel.

Single dads compare that is the awesomeness of the single mom
>t. Grew up without a dad

if what you said about hank was true, hed have him in football. hes more than happy to let bobby do his own thing for the most part

oscar is a great dad. some of these kids need someone to check them, or we end up with modern kids

There is absolutely nothing wrong with modern kids. Those are preferable to the mess Kim or Penny would grow into.

getting the very strong impression that OP has some unresolved daddy issues

OP here; I didn’t even have a dad for most of my life, lol.

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why he wasn't posted yet?

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Hank wasn't a good father, but Bobby was a good kid. Hank was constantly confused and annoyed that Bobby didn't seem right, but that's because Bobby was good despite how Hank wanted him to act.

Most of the time when an episode was about Hank and Bobby it was Hank learning a lesson but the two of them thinking he was teaching Bobby something. It was always framed like Bobby was learning from Hank but the actual dynamic is that Bobby would do act different than Hank wanted him to, and it would turn out to be the better way for him to act, or not a problem at all.

Bobby reveals the holes in Hank's worldview and life philosophy, but in a kind way, just laughing in spite of it and acting apart from it. Hank was not a good father and was trying to be a dumbed down and nicer version of what his father was to him, which was a truly awful parent. But Hank turned out alright in spite of his dad and was better than him, and Bobby turns even better.

Because compared to James Possible, Oscar Proud, the white cuck from Molly McGee, Jack Fenton and fucking Hank Hill, he’s not that bad.

Because he goes beyond being objectively bad and into "torture this sicko to death Abu Ghraib style" territory.

none of what you said makes hank "not a good father"

People who don't like modern kids are either not old enough to remember and kids before modern kids, or too old to have actually spent much time around modern kids.