Who’d win

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Fag orgy.

both stink

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We don't power scale garbage

Hmmm well the SU characters are more powerful but the She-Ra characters cry a lot less.

Steven tries to win by making friends
She-man tries to win by making out with her sister
An awkward fight is had by all
not sure who would win but we the audience would lose

I dunno dude its Future Steven, guy goes full edge often

Lapis could solo with her water clone bullshit. Or the gems can juse fuse and literally stomp

These questions are always dumb becuase it mostly comes down to who's writing it and it more likely ends in a song and friendship but the gems are generally of a much higher power tier.

We've never even seen what a whole team fusion would be, the best we got was the main-original gem team fusing into the minster shiva thing but it left out bismuth, lapis, peridot, and steven who's ultimately the most powerful when fully utilizing his abilities.

Steven would get upsetti spaghetti, turn into a giant pink monster, and rip She-Ra open with his monster cock.

There's simply no competition.

Plus he has the diamonds on his side.

I can never get a straight answer on how powerful she-ra is. All I know is catra was a universe buster or something?

It becomes a lesbian orgy, Steven, despite being a sissy, he doesn't likes to suck dick so he rejaects bow

Steven, but on the basis that we've actually seen him do more. What sorts of feats do Nu-Ra and her crew have

She pulled a lever on a machine she didn't even build and nearly collapsed reality.
That's about as far as her feats go.

If all the diamonds (Steven inlcuded) fused, they could wreck shit up, like, Obsidian was kinda busted, but that was mostly because of Pink Diamond

They all die because of the amount of mid they radiate

Whoever the writer wants.

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>New ways of keeping eachother safe


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Kek. I guess pic related doesn't count anymore with the retard crew claiming no one died.

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White Diamond goes ballistic and kills everyone

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