

Attached: 96c6f88467bd33c70d22399deb6f420d.jpg (736x736, 98.33K)

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built for human cock

I feel pity for the human that wants to bone this abomination. Must be really desperate.

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I hear you brother, back in the day animated females had curves and looked feminine.

Attached: d82r7cz-25b80454-a9af-4475-81ff-bd98e293088c.jpg (630x480, 75.6K)

Another example. 90s were different time.

Attached: Lola_Bunny_Pose2.png (250x250, 36.18K)

I want to feed her some ice cream


There's nothing else to eat in the sing universe

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I fucking hate Illunination character designs so much.

You should hate this more.

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Looks like whoever illustrated the second edition of Old Possum's Book Of Practical Cats (1986?) did this. It has a certain charm.

same applies for the skinny awoo furry bait.

Weird that she looks better in the movie. Maybe this is a bad early render, or they softened her face because of criticism, but kept the promo pic.

Lol oh, you...thinking that vagina feels better or worse based on facial features. One day you'll get laid and realize such an athletic girl is GREAT in bed.

She's skin and bones

Same guy who did designs for Klaus

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I wanna gently poke her ears with my finger

She's malnourished, dances on street for money, and eats unfulfilling food.