New GPrime85

New GPrime85

Attached: 1645428670850.png (1200x1200, 1.65M)

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What's the joke?

you posted this yesterday.

Normies hate freaks.

Same as always. The joke is "trannies".


That was a shitty shop that was politically incorrect, this is the real politically correct version.

Suicide joke = bad
Chopping up and mutilating your body to look like the opposite sex = good.

You mean the way he "draws" "hands"? Yeah. All of his characters are freaks.

Only Any Forums does this though

Joke is kill tranny
Original joke is tranny bad

But when murderers like Caitlin Jenner do it you morons want to suck the discarded dick.

No, both are bad, none of this will be happening if China didn't steal the only job they're capable of.

This guy makes me unironically appreciate Stonetoss more. At least he occasionally delivers punchlines.

Same "punchline" as always.

No, normies do this, go outside.
No, they just cremate the monster's body.

Are retards finally realizing they exist? Did the balding middle aged rapist in a dress caricature get boring?

Minorities are le.....bad

No, it's that normies had enough and realize that these are not people, they're monsters like Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy.

Unless their black or Japanese of course.

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GPrime is what happens when you have a decent drawing ability, but no actual talent like, y'know, being funny or clever. So you fall back on politics.

>Ted Bundy
>John Wayne Gacy
Yes. Republicans and Catholics are monsters.

How Social Media giant's censoring self harm is actually a guise for being hyper critical of users that could promote the political leanings or events the company owners are opposed to. Conversely people can make an aggrandized ritualistic murder of someone if its socio-political background is to Social Media's leaning.

What's. The. Joke?

What's the swath of flesh cut out of his leg supposed to refer to.

so what does that make John Money and Jeffrey Dahmer then?

So Georgie's furry friend is a true monster.

Attached: punchable_face.jpg (800x800, 315.66K)

I'm convinced that some sort of neural net algorithm is partially responsible for these comics. Like maybe they run a bunch of leftypol article headlines as his data lake, then uses the a mash-up of recent headlines to determine what the comic is about.

That is the joke. I'm sorry but it doesnt get any simpler than this.