Oh yeah, that was a thing that happened

Oh yeah, that was a thing that happened.

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Other urls found in this thread:


kudos to them for not reusing the TMNT art style with this film. Can't say the same for the Gatchaman film, which was gonna be TMNT 1.5

I thought this was a fever dream.

I want it to be 2016 again.

>CGI Astro Boy film made by a chinese studio, penned by the writer of Trading Places/Space Jam, and starring Nicolas Cage as Tenma
shame the film is so forgettable, because its existence is bizarre

fat Hamegg hours

Attached: Hamegg.png (1094x1075, 976.53K)

>Lion King/Stuart Little films, Teacher's Pet, Astroboy
Nathan Lane is a highlight in anything he's in

It literally sucked out all of the soul and magic of the material.

Postin in a Sharktalefag thread

I never liked Astroboy. I was a Tetsujin/Gigantor kid.

Attached: GIGANTOR.jpg (283x261, 11.89K)

I think the only thing most people remember about this movie was that one moment in the trailer when astro claims "I have guns in my butt!"

But yeah pretty meh movie.

>you ready to blow me away today, Tenma? To make my hair stand up, to knock my socks off?
>(about letting a child see a war machine in action) It'll be good for him, educational
>nobody likes a smarty-pants, kid
>(about Elefun) He's a dangerous idiot who happens to have a high IQ
>I like that one. Women voters are partial to the color red
>this Blue Core, it's all sweetness and light, right? I mean, "Save the dolphins," "Give peace a chance," and so forth?
>well, i may have flunked out of college, but i was right about the Red Core
>how can my approval ratings be this low? I was very popular in high school. I've cut taxes for a lot of very influential friends. What more do people want?
>i hate losing, too. You want proof of that, you can ask any of my wives
>no darn dirty hippie's gonna sit in my oval office eating mung beans and stinking of patchouli oil
>doctor, in any conflict between positive and negative energy, the negative always prevails. Look at human history. Look at me!
Stone isn't a good villain, yet has some amusing lines

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he was so doofy but the most likeable chariter in the movie for me.

Matt Lucas robot is the best character, hands down. He is awesome

Attached: Screenshot_20220221-181226.png (1280x720, 458.9K)

>Trading Places, Brewster's Millions, Twins, Kindergarten Cop, Space Jam, (13 years disappearance) Astro Boy
Timothy Harris' writing career was interesting. Nothing great, but still interesting

1988 interview with Harris and his writing partner back when Twins premiered, 21 years before Astroboy

as far as "tough, rebellious, sarcastic yet nice" female characters go, she ain't half bad. Purple streak wasn't necessary tho

Attached: Screenshot_20220221-184049.png (720x1280, 772.4K)

but without the purple hair streak how would you know shes a tough rebellions female character?


>Freddie Highmore, Nicolas Cage, Kristen Bell, Donald Sutherland, Bill Nighy, Nathan Lane, Eugene Levy, Matt Lucas, Charlize Theron, Alan Tudyk, David Alan Grier, Samuel L. Jackson
wouldn't be surprising if almost half the budget was spent in the voice cast


why did they choose Flushed Away director to helm this project? Flushed Away was the worst piece of Aardman media at the time (and arguably still is) so why pick him?