Why did Jimmy never beta-test his inventions? His creations would backfire less if he took the time to do trial runs

Why did Jimmy never beta-test his inventions? His creations would backfire less if he took the time to do trial runs.

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He's too smart for that, duh.

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It's that kind of thinking that's kept us from reaching mars. You think the Soviets gave a shit about safety when building their rockets? Nah they shot a fucking dog into space fully knowing they couldn't get it back down.

What do you think his "friends" are for?


Because he's an alpha male.

Because he's an asshole

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he's a kid that thinks his inventions would work first try

They are his friends, that's just a bonus.

He also has very little regard to informed consent when he does test his inventions.

>His creations would backfire less if he took the time to do trial runs.
I'd assume he does some practical tests in his lab to see if they'd work before using them, but he never really tries to ponder it become dangerous if some factors aren't considered.
>informed consent
Sheen and Carl usually know what'll happen when they test it, they just don't care much.

Honestly, the first paragraph is spot on, but the second just comes off as rather baseless when we actually do see how his relationships are with friends and family.

>why did this cartoon fifth grader act on impulse instead of acting rationally

>From here to mars
>Goes buy Onions Barz

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He's providing most of this stuff for free, he's beta-testing his inventions on the people around him


He still had school and shit while also trying to solve everyone's problems immediately. The bigger question is why Jimmy ever tolerated Carl when he was so opening lusting after his mom?

Because there wouldn't be a show if he did

>writing from the perspective of Skete
>relating to the wagie automaton
Hogwash as usual. And real chads do their beta testing at a large scale in the field. Small scale testing in controlled environments is for cucks.

Carl was his lab rab, Jimmy mostly used him to test his inventions, that’s the sole reason he wanted to cure his insomnia.

Makes sense, no one would miss him anyway if anything went wrong.