Is this the greatest TMNT cartoon?

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No. It just has a fanbase that's old enough to start posting here.

Probably. It's generally the most well regarded, on average.

There's no one better.

It was until it they got back from space.

>80's one
Too silly and stupid, but great for a cartoon in the era of shitty moral based rip-offs and toysellers
Dark and gritty, but sticks to it's tone and isn't inconsistent, and no, Lost Season and FF don't count
Good ideas, but ruinned by turtle paced episodes with little to no plot, and some retarded shitty teen drama and some shit that just happens because
Too trendy and wannabe cool for everyone to like. Animation was cool, tho, but that doesn't save most charactersbeing butched into being retards and, essentially, the same, safe for Donnie and April, also, they did Splinter dirty

>Too silly and stupid
Sounds accurate to the comics then.

The Mirage comics were parodic through having a goofy premise taken seriously, but also missed the humour that Miller's DD (which they were parodying) often had, probably because they heard the buzz but read none of it except some random issue with The Hand in it.


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>and no, Lost Season

You mean Back to the Sewers. Lost Season was meant to be its grand finale. FF and BtotS were add-ons.

Beware of Oroku Saki

Yeah, that one. The finale with Casey and April marrying was nice, tho

They shredded the Shredder

Rise splinter’s growth from zero to hero make him way better than the others

I've only watched like 10 episodes so far, but if what you say is true, then it makes sense, since in the episode where he's sick, he shows that he's not totally useless

I don’t blame anyone for hating rise splinter in the beginning, but when he shines, he shines. Especially later on in the season and season two



weren't the Mirage Comics( at the least the 80s one) violent where the Turtles killed their enemies, particularly Shredder?

That was literally the very first issue, and after that, the Turtles very quickly found themselves going to space and getting into all kinds of weird antics. It didn't really get to be that level of gritty again until City At War, which was meant to be the end of the book.

No more violent than any big two book honestly, maybe just bit more also they really didn't kill that offend but yeah they killed Shredder.

There's comic code labeled Punisher issues with more violence than most Turtles books.

>and no, Lost Season and FF don't count
Sorry but it doesn't work that way.

I think what people here don't really understand is that them killing the shredder in the first issue was supposed to be a joke. He's built up as the final boss and the product of a generations long feud and gets dispatched with an absurd amount of ease.

>hey really didn't kill that offend but yeah they killed Shredder.
And even then they initially tried to get him to take his own life so he could die with honor.