ITT: We post series that wont ever be ruined by wokeness

ITT: We post series that wont ever be ruined by wokeness

Attached: dat recess.gif (320x286, 43.35K)


Disney+'s RECESS
>TJ is Latinx
>Gretchen is Asian
>Spinelli is a dyke
>Gus's military dad gives an in-class presentation about how guns are dangerous and should be regulated
>"Third Street Elementary" is now Harriett Tubman Elementary
>The kindergartners no longer act like stereotypical savages

Why is this a gif?

Attached: recess peanut butter kid.png (576x434, 288.38K)

Attached: mikey recess.jpg (480x360, 11.8K)

>tfw you realize "woke" is basically just how well you understand it's just people pretending to understand what an irish game maker "meant" when they made a game

Attached: should've had a v8.jpg (1920x1080, 128.69K)


..just gonna leave the black and the fat kid out, huh?

Attached: 1643194227080.jpg (505x451, 73.3K)

Fat guy
black guy
girl that is tough

looks pretty woke to me

if the woke mob gets ((((their)))) grubby hands on oscar award winning show Back at The Barnyard, the final pillar of western civilization will fall.

Attached: MV5BMjNhYjk5MTEtZTM0OC00NTMyLWEwM2QtNDI1NWYxYmYyOTIzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA1NTQ5Nzcz._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1500, 198.91K)

Attached: based prickly.png (640x480, 321.7K)

are you ready for the live action?

Attached: live.png (1500x1000, 1.04M)

Attached: disneyrecesssequelfanfilmrevivalkickstarter.jpg (798x420, 52.17K)

Nice cosplay fan video

I remember this movie/show. Did it seriously get an oscar?

>an irish game maker
Oddly specific...

Attached: reboots.png (960x720, 683.7K)

Christ they could've at least tried to give the black guy the right hairstyle.

"Woke" is a dreadfully inaccurate euphemism for useful idiots asleep at the wheel, powered by a simulacrum of good-faith activism from decades past.
Look up "Critical Based Theory" on YouTube when you get the time

Attached: simulacrum.jpg (640x853, 89.92K)

you play gta?

Attached: a tailor.jpg (480x360, 16.57K)

Nah, not since the first couple.


Attached: entitled.jpg (210x240, 15.82K)

Is everyone ready for a CalArts reboot of The Angry Beavers?

Attached: angry-beavers-reboot.png (720x480, 83K)

Nah because they weren't cunts about it. Vince and Mikey were two kids who just so happened to be black and fat respectively.