What we should be getting vs what we are getting

>what we should be getting vs what we are getting
Why do they hate us NamorChads?

Attached: Namor.jpg (3264x1187, 910.9K)

This is an Aquachad board, Namorfag. Your kind aren't welcomed here.

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Missed opportunity to make him asian

>wanting that stupid Namor vs Wakanda bullshit
Anything from 2010s comics is cancer.

You're getting that either way. The problem is the casting.

He looks fine and Evans is too old

Would be a waste of decent casting on garbage, better to just not give them the attention.
Hell it's Black Panther Without Black Panther anyway, because they won't recast him.

He looks like a Walmart employee and they're literally the same age. Go back.
Namor's getting ruined regardless of the story they use, that's the problem. Besides, we all know they'll have some big bad orchestrate the whole thing and they'll part in amicable terms.

Actually this is what you're getting.
Aztec aesthetics are cool as fuck. If they're going to racebend a character, at least they're doing something cool with it.

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>Asgard and Olympus look like LA
>Wakanda is basically blackwashed Ancient Greece
>Atlantis is being given to LatinXS
>Shang-Chi gets a literal Magical Chinese Wakanda of his own
>"lmao be glad, this is so cool"
Thank you Hollywood, very cool indeed!

This is what LA looks like to you?

Attached: latest[1].png (1348x572, 964.94K)

This is what you think ancient Greece looked like?
Might be time to get your eyes checked, friend.

Attached: wakanda[1].jpg (1500x750, 937.12K)

They showed Olympus?

Aztec/lost continent of Mu themed Atlantis is based.

I'm talking about racial demographics faggot.
Retard, what do you think
>super isolated bunch of pumpous assholes light years ahead of everyone else
is? Kirby & Lee literally blackwashed Ancient Greece.
Wait 4 months. If Asgard's blacker than Detroit what do you think?

>Wait 4 months. If Asgard's blacker than Detroit what do you think?
I'm guessing that's for the next Thor or Dr Strange? I'm not following the movies.

I really REALLY do not give a single fuck about Namor, and I wish Tommy would stop seething about him every day. Do you know why the only reason why OP gives a shit now? Because casuals are now aware of Namor, and he wants to be contrarian

Kevin Feige OP, he doesn't realize that the world has changed and people are not going to line up to see MCU movies anymore, this is an absurd miscast Namor and the actress who will play Namora both actors are small, and not good looking it's time Disney took over casting because after Tessa Thompson Disney should have opened their eyes

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We could've gotten based Japanese Namor ruling over a Sakoku version of Atlantis...

Thor 4, Russel Crowe's playing Zeus.