I want to fix this house up and I want you to live in it with me. But I'm not chasing after you anymore

> I want to fix this house up and I want you to live in it with me. But I'm not chasing after you anymore.

Has a female character ever gotten BTFO more thoroughly by her boyfriend than Bertie? The entire rant is amazing.

Tuca and Bertie thread, I guess.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-20 at 10-41-52 Speckle Best Boy Compilation [Tuca Bertie S1] - YouTube.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

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I’m still convinced we will see tuca and speckle hook up. If anything speckle have more common with tuca than Bertie.

seriously. Does Bertie have fans? Everyone seem to like speckle and Tuca. But no one talk about Bertie beyond her childhood trauma.

I only care about feminist lizard and the plant amazon.

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Final season climax will likely be Tuca realizing she's in love with Bertie JUST as Bertie's about to marry Speckle. In other words, series ends with Tuca getting JUSTed.

She's great and I hate how little she appeared in Season 2.

I'm glad Speckle and Bertie had these talks in both seasons. Made them feel like a realistic couple.

I would almost dare to say Speckle is too good for Bertie

He is.

I'm a straight man and I want to fuck Steven Yeun

They wouldn't just have Speckle be good with kids for no reason right? Right?

Attached: speckle and tulip crawl.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

I really doubt the show's going to go down the "bertie becomes a tradwife" path considering how feminist the show and it's creators are. At most it would be a single 'what if' episode as a joke.

>create feminist show
>best character is a regular man
How ironic.

Based on season 1 (haven't seen 2,) Bertie's actually not a very good person. And they seemed to want to suggest that her terrible childhood trauma is a cause/excuse for this, but it was so sudden and shoehorned in, that it doesn't really fly (not that it would anyway.)

Just like how the best characters in Hamilton ended up being the ones played by white people.

>feminist the show
I don't see it.

I like parts of Bertie. I get that the show is trying to portray someone with an anxiety disorder and some trauma through her but she doesn't have a lot of redeeming moments for me to make it not annoying.

I want her and Tuca to get together.

>she doesn't have a lot of redeeming moments for me to make it not annoying.
I keep thinking back to when they got mugged and Bertie risked her life to keep Tuca's bag. I thought "Cool, Bertie's true self under all that anxiety and woe is cool under pressure." That when she's not focused on details she can thrive and ended up finally clicking with the ladies on a chill go nowhere pizza night. Then it didn't go anywhere. You can for sure say Bertie has good qualities beneath her flaws, but she never uses them in situations that could've used her approach. It's frustrating.

>Then it didn't go anywhere.

Probably the biggest flaw the show has. That several shows have. They want to be a raunchy comedy and portray their characters as goofballs who can let loose, but also want to be a show driven by women and the issues they face and the realities of feeling less than, and also a commentary on society and politics and social justice, and they don't do any of it really well.

When Bertie masturbated to a man she was attracted to manhandling her that was a genuinely shocking and too real moment. And then they did jack shit with it and went to a stock sitcom plot of worrying about moving too fast in a relationship.

They'll be a throuple.

Bertie fans like her for one scene in particular.

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I think Bertie really tries her ass off to be better in Season 2, which is cool. Like Speckle's rant obviously got through to her.

I like bertie

I like Bertie. Not as much as Tuca but I like her. I liked how they handled her in season 2 and I'm rooting for her to get better.