Yeah I'm saying it. Representation in cartoons is important, especially for children who may need it to feel understood

Yeah I'm saying it. Representation in cartoons is important, especially for children who may need it to feel understood.

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Fuck your obvious bait thread

this is the cringiest shit I've ever seen in my life

I'm not so narcissistic that I need validation from cartoons.

Representation is obviously not for the small subsection of gay adults that watch cartoons, it's for the children holding such an identity who would otherwise feel unseen.

Gonna reply to this as if it's genuinely posted and not bait. I understand your sentiment but be aware of where you are. The idea of someone here being experienced enough with their own sexuality to include exploratory thoughts on non hetero normative things is a bit counter intuitive to the general joke of these threads of fetishised gays or genuine repulsion of anything sentimentally gay. In short where do you think you are?

I can’t tell what gender those things are.

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How would the mom even be aware of Owl House? Either she watched it when she was younger and this comic takes place about a decade in the future or she's one devout Disney adult

>afraid to come out
Faggots just love the idea of being oppressed and can't fathom that regular (normal) people don't give a fuck about them and just wish they'd shut up already. Many such cases.

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I am well aware that this is considered a Any Forumsntrarian take. However, even amidst a sea of trolls, I've seen pretty nuanced discussion about the topic here in the past, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

Representation is good yes. I'm just sick of people talking about how IMPORTANT representation is. How GOOD it is to have representation and how they're FIXING things by having more representation. Stop being a martyr for the simple act of not making every single character straight or white. Just tell a story.

Fags are inherently abuse loving subs who want to be domed by heterosexuals. Sad, many such cases!

Owl house has had a bunch of news articles on that Grom dance scene about how cool it is that there's gay stuff. So I don't find it unreasonable a mom who probably frequents facebook might've seen something about it.

I really wish you never have to go through what many do to this day. You speak from a fortunate position. To this day there's a lot of prejudices running rampant, you only need to look in your own words and all around you in these boards to notice.

A lot of media where diversity is "shilled" the hardest is for movies and cartoons where children are a primary audience (i.e. Disney shows, Marvel movies, etc). You don't see as much of an "overt" diversity push in media catered to adults. Representation isn't meant to stick it to straight white male adults like so many anons claim, it's about casting as large of a net possible for children who may feel uplifted by seeing someone on the screen who shares their identity. As an adult, I don't care about rep, but I think it's at least important for kids early on to feel like they're welcomed. Refer to

People who say this whine about kipo end of wypipo the most.

Representation is nice and all but if it is all a show has going for it it is just sad
Watch better shows and don't just consume something because it has gays in it

If you have so much low self-esteem that you need the urge to relate to fictional characters that are solely designed to take money from your wallets, while at the same time spitting on your face.

Then I'm not sure how to say this, but please tie a noose and off yourself while you still have a sliver of dignity left

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Those children were victims of molestation or other trauma and society thinks this is a dub. Sick World!

>I can't tell what mental illness those are

This m, I’m fine with them living there lives fucking who they want to fuck, I’m just so fucking tired of it being shoved in my face or used as a shield against legit criticism. Take owl house it’s a terribly written show that is incredibly dull in the Magic School genre but because of the main character being LGBTQ you can’t criticize the show like at all without people freaking out at you and calling you homophobic even though that isn’t the issue

>Representation in cartoons is important,

of the critics i've heard, literally none of them have said its not important.

they say that it takes a back seat to actually being good stories first and foremost. The fuckers who disagree with that are the problem.

I think the fact that owl house never earned any awards outside of some LGBT representation one says a lot about it's quality
This plus the fandom only caring about gay shipping, look at the Guz episode: black dudes a plot got ignored by the fandom for lesbians

Yeah wokescolds are shitty. However, I think that's more a problem of a small subsection of the show's fanbase (specifically made up of neurotic, spiteful Twitter adults who will never actually support the show financially) rather than a problem of the show's production itself. I think the creators of shows like Owl House overall have good intentions in depicting representation for younger audiences.