Worst Designs

This was literally just a Cyborg Ninja ripoff. Felt so disgusted when I saw it and couldnt believe they got away with it. They didnt even bother changing much. I dont think it even lasted that long. Plus who wants weeb shit in their comics?

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Cyborg Ninja?

Im as lost as you are.

Remember when Bendis said in 2015 that he would make Iron Man the Marvel flagship book? A year later, Tony Stark wasn't IM. Bendis' OC, Riri, was.

Pretty sure he's talking about Gray Fox from Metal Gear.

Attached: Cyborg Ninja.jpg (1280x720, 70.05K)

Yeah this, down to even the random triangle on his head.

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Gray Fox?

Doens tlook that similar.

I think it looks better on Doom.

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I think this is one of the better IM designs, pretty cool with Marquez drawing

That design is based though

kek, and to think we still have people to this day who defend Metal Gear's dialogue.


It's too bland to be bad.

Remember that after getting both endings, you'd get a recolour for Frank to make him look like Spidey.

MGS1 had a genuinely good script, the series generally got worse over time in that regard.

Attached: Red_Ninja_Metal_Gear_Solid.jpg (800x400, 40.04K)

Cyborg Ninjas sadomasochistic dialog is extremely memorable.

That's the best looking Iron-man armor to date.

Remember when Green Arrow's New 52 costume was just Ultimate Hawkeye painted green?

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The thing with Iron Man suits for me is that he should look like an iron man. If he doesn't then why did the public call him that? Why wouldn't they call him Robo Man or Mecha Man if he just looks like he's in some super complex mech suit? Like OP's image, there's nothing Iron Mannish about it at all.

Hey.. you're that ninja.

Why has she now returned to her dorky looking 60s outfit but nobody else has? It looks extremely out of place with all the other X-Men in modern versions of classic outfits and hers is just her weird 60s look.

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