Is this even worth a watch? I'm desperate for campy fantasy

Is this even worth a watch? I'm desperate for campy fantasy

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>Is this even worth a watch? I'm desperate for campy fantasy
Sure! It's completely episodic and you'll notice the tight animation budget, but if you just want campy fantasy, there are stories that hold up. Try:

"Diamond Ray of Disappearance" - introduces the original cast, though there's no origin story like the 2002 or 2021 (CGI) reboots.
"Teela's Quest" - first attempt at deep characterization.
"Dawn of Dragoon" - develops Orko's home dimension Trolla in the least annoying way.
"Dragon's Gift" - in which we meet Granamyr, the recurring dragon king whose attitudes actually develop from appearance to appearance.
"House of Shokoti" (2 parts) - spooky fantasy based around archaeology.
"Origin of the Sorceress" - flashback to when the Sorceress was 15 and Eternia was threatened by both Morgoth and space aliens.
"To Save Skeletor" - in which the evil Whiplash begs the heroes to team up when Skeletor summons a tentacle demon he can't control.
"The Problem With Power" - He-Man thinks he's fallen as a Paladin because of one negligent homicide.

As someone who didn't grow up with it it's alright. I'd say it's worth a shot but I like Blackstar better when it comes to Filmation fantasy stuff.
I'm more of a Thundarr man though

Attached: statue2bof2bliberty.jpg (320x247, 15.35K)

So Revelation i supposed to be in continuation of the original Cartoon, the trailer has you interested, but you do'nt want to watch 130 episodes of what is basically a rather formulaic Toy commercial show? Understandable. So, for you convenience, here some essential episodes that will get you covered on basically anything the coming Netfilx show might call back (though you most likely don't even need that). And seeing you can legally watch the show on the official MotU youtube Channel, I have joined a link for each episode. Thanks to the Other user that helped curate them.

"Diamond Ray of Disappeance", the pilot episode (sometimes listed as #4 though). Honestly, if you only can muster to watch one episode, it's this one. Basically cover everything you need to know.

"Teela's Quest" explains that Adam's mother is an astronaut from Earth, Teela is the Sorceress of Grayskull's daughter and why she had Man-At-Arms adopt her.

"Creatures from the Tar Swamp": origin of Orko

"Dawn of Dragoon" gave Orko the ability to return to his home dimension Trolla, when a hot Trollan girl comes asking for help from some demon. This then comes up over and over again in Filmation, but Trolla is unseen in comics and 200X.

"The Dragon's Gift" establishes the lore of dragons for the setting and that Man-At-Arms is an ancient title. This is Filmation-specific stuff that doesn't apply to the reboots, but it's a really good episode. Larry DiTillio, who spent the back half of the '90s on Beast Transformers, slotted Skeletor and the core MotU heroes into a /tg/ module he'd already written.

"The Witch and the Warrior": Teela and Evil-Lyn are forced to work together in a desert, and she says she's just using Skeletor, not loyal to him. I can actually see them referencing this one, since the 2002 reboot Evil-Lyn was in love with Skeletor until a Snake Man produced proof that he mistreated her. Might be called back when Teela need to join force will Evil -Lyn again in revelation

"Golden Disks of Knowledge": secrets of Snake Mountain and the now-defunct Council of the Wise, connected to the Cosmic Enforcers.

"Fisto's Forest": Establsih that Fisto used to serve Skeletor before being a good guy.

"Origin of the Sorceress": an Evil Horde scout ship finds Eternia and awakens Morgoth. 15-year-old Teela-Na found Castle Grayskull in a desperate attempt to save the world. Tied her origin to the upcoming She-Ra series.

"To Save Skeletor": the best of several episodes where Skeletor gets inside Castle Grayskull.

"Battlecat" tells the title character's origin.

"Search for the Past": the rescue of Adam's grandfather, missing presumed dead since Adam was just weeks old.

"The Problem with Power" is the deepest exploration of what it means to be He-Man you got.

"Search for a Son": establish that Mekaneck's has a son (but who is the mom?)

"The Cold Zone": Maybe worth watching as the final episode.

pasta i've saved

Fire and Ice is really nice to look at. You can identify a lot of characters and shots from paintings Frazetta had done before... except the main villains, the younger of whom is a dead ringer for Moorcock's Elric, never painted by Frazetta.


if you are gay, yes

I'd watch some of it with the speed set higher than 1.0X

There's good bits but holy shit it helps to speed it up.

yeah dude watch it and the 2002, and the CGI one too, they are all great


No. The original was good for when it came out and is still sort of campy fun.
The CGI one is decent for these days, although they're going to need to really ramp up the quality if it wants to be actually memorable.
2002 was just a poor cartoon, way behind other shows of the time in the writing. There was no excuse to write a cartoon like that when the DCAU had been around for a decade and TMNT 2003 was a couple months from airing.

Oh look, it's the Revelations fag bashing the excellent 200X show again.

You're show sucked, Kevin. Get over it.

Attached: Best Adam.jpg (569x625, 74.22K)

>You're a fan of Revelations right
No. It wasn't as horrendous as people act, but (like 2002) there's nothing there worth talking about a year after broadcast.

>Best Adam

lolno. Like three episodes in Teela goes "Jesus Adam you're fucking worthless" and he got butthurt and decided to prove to her (and himself) that he was decently useful even if he couldn't turn into He-Man. So he tried to help in battle as Adam, got immediately dunked on and captured, and it became a whole thing with him needing to get saved, nearly screwing everyone in the process as he tried to hide his secret identity.

Billy Batson has a better track record of being useful without having to turn into his strongman alter ego.

OG Adam > CGI Adam > Revelations Adam >>>>>>>>>>>> 2002 Adam & New Adventures of He-Man Adam

>Like three episodes in Teela goes "Jesus Adam you're fucking worthless" and he got butthurt and decided to prove to her (and himself) that he was decently useful even if he couldn't turn into He-Man.
I watched this as it first aired, and this was the FIRST regular episode after the very good three-part pilot. Suddenly the audience got dropped into an inferior take on OG episode "Prince Adam No More", where 29 episodes after starting in media res, Adam has built up resentment that his father thinks he's an unreliable ditz. 2002 Adam feels that way after turning into He-Man once, and after the crisis Man-At-Arms is like "I hope you've learned a valuable lesson about never doing stuff as Adam!"

Nigga, shut up. No one cares. Goddamn.

Revelations Adam is such a mixed bag. Absolutely badass when standing up to villains, but never gave Teela the "don't talk to me like that" she had coming.
Was New Adventures really that bad? I've never seen any, but there seems to be universal hatred.

It's worth watching but expect very little lore or world building and Skeletor is largely a large ham villain who isn't much of a threat deep down. Which is a shame as campy ineffectual villain Skeletor is much better than evil satanic evil uncle from another mother Skeletor.