What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Not letting Tom Ruegger back, along with old writers.

you just didn't like it


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Written by people who for some reason hated the original show but still wanted to work on it and "fix" it

No it was pretty bad, only having the Animaniacs and Pinky & the brain was not a good idea, they should have utilized the other old characters or made a good amount of new characters to valence it out. Also making the Animaniacs proactive instead of reactive was a mistake

They made new characters and they all sucked

No Mink.

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Eh, it wasn't a complete trainwreck. even the original was not that amazing by today's standards, much less most anons' standards here, when you take out the nostalgia factor. The new one wasn't absolute dogshit, which is what your would normally assume a revival cash grab to be.

They might have done worse with the original writers, but who knows. I doubt it ever could have been good enough for anyone to care. Kids watched the original because it was what was on tv, but they have no reason to be interested in this one with a thousand other shows to stream alongside minecraft youtube videos.

It would have been better with more of the old characters, but maybe not too much. The new characters were awful, but most of the old were hardly better.

Everything else to say about it is people nitpicking because they're retarded, like this user who screenshotted and posted his own post but cropped it so you couldn't see how no one replied to it last time because it wasn't funny then either.

>how to say you're a tranny without saying you're a tranny

The original stuff wasn't amazing and reboots have nowhere to go but down in quality... so yeah, what doesn't make sense?

Constantly shits on the original, when the only fans of this garbage would be people who like the original looking for some nostalgia. Gotta love when people who make a nostalgia driven show with a zombie franchise that then also hates the original and its fan base.

I love OG animaiacs but im pretty much done with considering myself a fan in anyway because the shitty modern version is going to be what comes up in google searches or conversations.

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Never seen it, but I was pretty into pinky and the brain years ago.

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The writing and humor doesn't feel properly snappy to me. I don't know why.
The few original characters are fine, but they aren't as tight and high concept as the cast of the old show. Again, I don't know why.
Animation does make a difference. It's not poorly done, it just doesn't elevate the gags much. I admit it's unfair to compare the visuals because the old show had such a wide range in quality, but the way I feel can't be helped. That's the double edged sword with reboots.
This webm perfectly encapsulates what the Warners are to me, but the new show in its two seasons never quite capture this spirit.

Attached: animaniacs (1993) S01E13 01.webm (640x480, 2.08M)

>mad no one liked your meme

They gave fans a mouse villain waifu and they gave pinky a monster wife.
So the pinky and the brain episodes of the new show were fine.

I think I've seen her in these threads when the reboot first came out. Julia iirc.

>animaniacs was never good

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>What went wrong?
Female writters
SJW writters
DRUMP writters

It was never that good user. The jokes were cheap, they were slapstick and simple for kids, their adult and pop culture references were actually pretty cringe half the time, so much of the humor outside of the warners and pinky and the brain was built around making references in a cringey way because the cringe was the joke.

Pinky and the brain was great, that's why they got their own spinoff standalone series. But the rest can't live up to media today.