Judge Dredd

Is it worth reading/opinion?

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Just start with Complete Case Files #1, and if you like that, it's a lot more of the same type of comics.
If you don't like it, you're probably a tranny and should 41% instead.

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It’s very popular amongst closeted degenerates with projection issues.

how so?

Yes, it’s top tier toilet reading, loose canon so you don’t have to remember 9000 events and the very few big crisis event shits are very good

The person you're responding to is a projecting degenerate marxist.
The canon is pretty consistent, it's just that like most comic books, it'll give you a blurb referencing what a thing is, so it's not required to read or even remember an older issue.
Stuff like that highly addictive candy, the bacteria that eats plastic, etc. they all use more than once.

Agreeing with user, start there but ignore the Any Forums he just spouted.
Dredd is a nice escape from reality and I love how all the artists draw even if they're drastically different skill levels.

Straight to the action with minimal talking. Slightly dated sensibilities but that's only a problem if you're weird.

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I like his design

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god i love judge dredd so much
what a great comic

>Does law sentences

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>go onto Any Forums
>get redirected to a website with Judge Dredd's face on it
>a judge is on their way
>you are guilty of the following crimes
>prohibited vid-slugs
>prohibited books
>public nuisance
>cheeking a judge
>receiving pirated old comics
>your sentence is exile, CREEP

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The stories where a time traveler lands in mega city one always end like that.

I like the le serious political issues stories like letter from judge dredd and america and I also like the le mindless violence stories such as judgement day and day of chaos. But I miss the dynamic dredd had with his roomates when he lived in rowdy yates and when the stories had a sillier tone. Judge Caligula was great.

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>Judge Caligula was great.
You said it.

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>Just start with Complete Case Files #1

Eh, I don't think this is the best advice, really. Early Dredd is a very different beast to the more modern comics from Dredd being a lawman in "New York 2099AD" not Mega-City One and a more zany and laid-back attitude than we really get as the comic goes on.

Complete Case Files No. 5 is generally agreed to be the best jumping-on point now. Loads of great stories, appearances of classic villains, lore-important tales like the Apocalypse War and of course The Most Famous Panel Ever Drawn In British Comics History.

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