Whoa, bro...Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers is hardcore

Whoa, bro...Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers is hardcore.

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Better this than removing it like they originally planned to. I'm sure you fags will get outraged at any action they take other than Disney saying what they really feel.

Didn't it have a bunch of goofy chinks in it?

It all seemed so much more innocent back then, though even I was shocked when Zipper started saying the fourteen words.

It actually is innocent though. People just find new reasons to get outraged over nothing as time goes on.

I agree, nerds are negatively portreat. Look at how they used the professor? Thats stereotype oveload!

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No, Americans are just weak cunts.

>Rated G
>>This contains offensive material

Okay, clown world.

Or look how they slanted on italians and irish people!

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Fat cat smoking in the video game meant that the re-release collection was rated T for teen

Decades into the future, people are going to look at wokey content advisories likes this one and wonder what the fuck people living in the early 21st century were smoking.

It's our generation's prohibition. People in the future will be having fun with casual racist banter wondering why we were such prudes in the 20's.

Any special features?

a mild warning about racist content is hardly comparible to outlawing booze.

Nah, Disney never does that with their shows. We're lucky they didn't compress the fuck out of them by squeezing 9 episodes onto a single DVD disc this time.

ALL funny animal cartoons are shit no exceptions.

>LOL Chip n Dale are bashing darkies!!!
Don't get too excited, OP. The warning is probably because a bunch of filthy dagos got their panties twisted.

I can't believe Chip said N-word...

they're both mass hysteria

I bet there's an episode with a Unga Bunga forest tribe.

not really.

Yes really, faggot.

Not only are they both mass hysteria but they're both uniquely American mass hysteria. He's right. Cope.

Ah so close, we were looking for ching chong China cats.

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I mean he’s friends with Monterey Jack, and who could forget that rant he made about ‘Abbos’.

I think you're the one in hysterics here. Over a little sticker no less.

Hory sheet

The main villains are Bernard and Bianca who hate Chip and Dale because rescue Rangers should have been their show.

>wacist cawntent