Acts like a self centered bitch

>acts like a self centered bitch
>steals credit for the Mollys hard work
>is still sympathetic
How does she do it?

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Being hot mostly.


Andrea geinunely loves being rich and popular and has an inflated sense of self worth given her tons of followers on social media and her streams, but she wants the close love only her parents can give her but is aware they are too money focused to give it to her and it hurts her So it feeds further into her need for attention through other means.

>misgendering in 2022

What, are you a fucking fag?

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How long until she goes down the path of delinquency to get her parents attention?

Your mom beat you up as a kid so you're attracted to mean girls now.

Because she deserves better. She is a cute little girl who just wants a hug.

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Is that the dress she wore from the Ghomance episode?

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Did she steal credit or did she see herself as going out and doing volunteer work with Molly? They both showed up to places at similar times and Andrea beat her to the sign up sheet.

>Andrea beat her to the sign up sheet

Because Molly was standing there talking to a pen for 15 seconds like a weirdo. Andrea literally just showed up to places and did some of the bare minimum of work and the whole town rigged elections for her because they're simps. Especially that dumb negro fucking Levar Burton wannabe.

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Andrea being a vapid wannabe socialite makes doing the bare minimum to "get the message out" actual volunteering from her perspective instead of anything vindictive.

That huy was a legit fuck tard and I haven't wanted to strangle someone so bad before

>How does she do it?
Bad writing written by people who think The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars movie

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Bad writing.

>Because Molly was standing there talking to a pen for 15 seconds like a weirdo
kek imagine a classmate POV in the average life of molly mcgee. no wonder libby’s her only friend.

Our lollipop bubblegum Princess can't be this CUTE!!!

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>you will never kiss your gf in matching softball uniforms

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Because Molly is munching Jewish carpet.

I give her until her early teens
the real question is, what KIND of delinquency will she take part in?

>Did she steal credit
I think people who came away from the episode with that thought are genuine illiterate retards. Of course, Andrea is gonna get credit when she fuckings posts about it. Did Molly post about it? Or was Molly expecting people to praise her for doing it, like a fucking loner with no friends.