Could rule over a galactic empire as a god king

>could rule over a galactic empire as a god king
>choses to be a homeless bum who travels from one shithole american city to another with no goals or purpose in life

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He wasn’t good at helping people
Besides, he’s happier without those cunts

To be fair, the role of galactic co-emperor was pretty dull. Did you SEE that stupid ball?

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What elese do you expect from a fat autist who was brought up by three emotionally unstable alien women who werent even related to him.

It's because he's a cartoon character and was never allowed to reach sexual maturity

He fucked Jasper

He did not. He fucked Connie and that's the canon.

keep in mind, he's written by a tumblr artist and story board artists that never knew how to pace things out or knew what the fuck to do in general

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Part of me wonders if he is using his dad's money. If that's the case sounds like a fun trip. If not he's sucking dick at truck stops.

Either way it went, I'm sure plenty of gay sex was had by all.

>le faggot kid makes le evil dictator cry
>now the empire is disbanded and everyone lived happily ever after
Lmao imagine all the civil wars and revange war by the ayys against the gems.

Stop projecting your self-hate and ineffectuality.
Being neurotypical means you don't seek validation from a task master.

Steven is an ingrate for hanging out with diseased human filth rather then crushing alien gem they/them pussy

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That was actually the plot of the games. After the empire fell a faction of gems decided to create their own gem empire.
And there's probably more. If I remember correctly it was hinted that there could be more.

dragon maid picture = nobody reads your post

I always assumed that any gems who wanted the empire back couldn't work together and form a proper army. That's why there were only small threats in Future like Bluebird and the two Lapis.

You did


just say retarded

sounds based

He didn't, though, the writers did. At some point, self-referential writing becomes too personal and the character being used to express it ceases to exist as itself. It's like if you paved over a field to make a parking lot, the "field" is still technically there, just not in any appreciable or recognizable form.

You could say that for anyone