Share the current status of franchises you love.
Share your hopes for the future!

> Captain America
Was fine with Steve's path in Endgame & ok with Falcon becoming Cap however the "stop calling them terrorist" evil woke garbage in TF&TWS seriously tarnished him to me + that same writer returning for Cap 4 is also tragic. In the comics Steve & Sam are both cap currently & getting their own separate series which is probably the best compromise possible as long as they don't trash Steve like they did during Nick Spencer's dual run with them both as Cap. There has been a vision of the future showing Winter Soldier shooting Steve so I am a little concerned there but I am cautiously optimistic in regards to the comics.

> Godzilla
Doing good, I like the monster-verse alot, it's getting a tv series & we have the anime & upcoming Power Rangers crossover comic.

> Aquaman
Internally 1st Movie was great & no reason so far to think the 2nd won't be also. They allowed Mera to be a white redhead which is a miracle. Externally them allowing Heard to return is woke bullshit but I don't believe in punishing the whole film, cast & crew for her garbage so I will still see the films. Haven't read the comics since Rebirth started.

> Thor
Other people loved Ragnarok and I am happy for them but for me it was the most flawed MCU film and the same director coming back to do a adaptation of God Butcher (among my favorite comics ever) is tragic. Didn't like him giving the throne to a fucking slaver just because she black.

> Terminator
Pure Ass Fucked, only hope is the anime and only IF it has a Castlevania/Blood of Zeus animation style and not 3D garbage like the Godzilla anime trilogy or the most recent GITS.

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more like BORE ragnarok

I like how people would cry about old IPs getting ruined but will laugh at numales for getting emotional over Marvel or SW trailers

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Where is Waldo- nothing new
Saint seiya- a movie is being made but it changes a lot of stuff
Carmen sandiego- i havebt watched the new show.
Tiny toons- apparently Any Forums hates it
Doug- nothing new

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Two sides of the same coin. One basedfaces and sobs with happiness everytime Yoda is on screen. One makes 50 videos angrily ranting about how Yoda is talking to a filthy female POC and woke broke sjw communists etc etc etc

The OP made this thread (again) for a good old-fashioned female cry.
"His" high estrogen levels are why his Ma will wait for grandchildren in vain.

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I'm amused by how the people who decry others for enjoying "Disney Star Wars" are usually also the same ones who unironically clapped and cried when CGI zombie Luke showed up out of nowhere and just massacred a bunch of bots in Mando.

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>oh no, not the "weed dude lmao"

Had they been born earlier, they would have decried OT Star Wars too.
Every day they wake up and they aren't 8 yrs old is pure horror for them, they can't accept being adults.

New Hope and Empire are legitimately great films with Return being a satisfactory if not amazing conclusion. The real problem are those retards that whole heartedly defend the prequels as if they aren't just as trashy and reliant on Nostalgia as the Sequel Trilogy. Doubly so for those retards that lose their shit over Rogue One when that is one of the worst films in the entire franchise.

>New Hope and Empire are legitimately great films with Return being a satisfactory if not amazing conclusion
Sure but the OT is only great for what it is as a series of blockbuster space fantasy films but people tend to overpraise every aspect of the movie, like saying they have great writing even though they also have their fair share of contrivances and hacky plotting (which is completely fine for space adventure blockbusters but it's no Godfather 2)

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I am honestly saddened at how SpongeBob and Nickelodeon as a whole turned out.
I used to have dreams of one day getting into the industry and making a cartoon for them. Nickelodeon was my inspiration.
Now i have become disillusioned with them and losing faith in my dreams.

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>The OP made this thread (again) for a good old-fashioned female cry.
Except many of my points were positive.

Here are more...

> Mission Impossible
Doing great and has great female characters.

> Doctor Strange 2
Looks god tier.

> The Batman
Looks great, I would have preferred a gothy pale white Catwoman but Zoe does appear to be giving a solid sexy performance and her outfit is good aside from the mask.

>Doubly so for those retards that lose their shit over Rogue One when that is one of the worst films in the entire franchise.

> Jyn was great & better than Rey.
> Diversity is handled well and is not called attention to nor are the diverse characters unlikable spiteful cunts like in Last Jedi, they are all endearing & likable.
> Score is fucking beautiful.
> Final battle is entirely great.
> Ending from when the Destroyers crash into the Shield generator to the credits is magnificent.
> Vader is a fucking beast during his final scene.
> Cinematography and choreography are some of the absolute best of the entire series, massively better than Last fucking Jedi. Shots overlooking the planet towards the end are beautiful.
> Gaylan's message to Jyn is emotionally effective.
> Krennic is a good villain (but not great). Better than the First Order officers in TFA/TLJ.

> CGI Tarkin / Leia (I like their inclusion and felt the cgi worked more than not)
> Fan service (there is not even fucking close to being as much as haters claim, there is the cameo by the bar thugs, c3po/r2 and the Rebel pilots. That's basically it)
> Seems long.
> Jumping across locations in the first 3rd (I liked this)

> Cast is underdeveloped (I personally thought jyn was developed fine)
> Mads is underused.

Fuck you, CHUD. Rogue One was great because it was gritty and took the the childish “star” out of WARS to present us with a realistic, mature perspective on this lore, as well as providing valuable insight and backstory to the opening of the original trilogy.

>Looks god tier.
>Looks great
These are not objective means by which to grade whether something is good or not.

We need a "Death of a Salesman" for animators.

Return of the Jedi was the best one

I really would’ve liked real ghostbusters to come back. They had more imaginative adventures than “here’s gozer … again. Remember gozer?”

Generally I like content related to my first experiences with the franchise when I was happier, newer changed stuff isn't as pleasing to me and I want stuff like it was before.
If I want to consume it and it's different then it depends if it can stand on it's own legs, otherwise I won't consume it. Simple as.

How was it gritty and how did it provide a "realistic" and "mature" perspective on the lore? Because Cassian whatshisname shot that one dude at the beginning of the movie to make it seem like the Rebellion is more morally grey than it actually is?
The "original" stuff people praise and credit Rogue One for doing isn't unique to it at all and has even been done better in SW stuff like Clone Wars.
Most of the praise for the film really seem to stem more from the fanservice in the third act. Actually most people seem to just be referring to the third act on Scarif when people talk about the film but no one really discusses what happens before that beyond the Vader's Castle scene.

But dude, what if this time it was Gozer.