Why is her fanbase so awful?

Why is her fanbase so awful?

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I don't go on twitter so I wouldn't know. Her show was good though and the actor is an Atheist, I like her.

They aren't, you just hate women

It's almost certainly insane X-fags screeching that the character they hate the most got popular with normies, so they're demonizing her fans, while insisting the character be "held to account" for things they wouldn't care about if literally any other character had done them.

It's been a year long temper tantrum because a lot of them watched WandaVision for the sole reason that they thought it was introducing mutants to the MCU, and Fox Magneto and Quicksilver in particular, and they can't get over it not doing that.

she has a fanbase?

I ask the same about X-Men fans everyday

For those unaware, its Elizabeth Olsen's birthday today.

The funniest shit is all the people posting pics of her, and they are ALL from MCU capeshit because she has been in NOTHING ELSE of note

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She's the one Olsen who doesn't look a crack addicted revenant so I'd say she still won

Sounds more like you hate women

She didn't fall into the same trap Mary-Kate and Ashley did in that she only got famous when she was already in her mid-20s.

Powerlevel trannies

Daenerys Targaryen

>For those unaware, its Elizabeth Olsen's birthday today.
Ignore OP, this is now a Happy Birthday Lizzie thread.
Post smiling Lizzies to banish the seething X-fags.

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>Introduced in a bad movie
>Starts civil war
>Does some minor shit when Thanos shows up
>But everyone suddenly loves her because she was in a show that ripped off that one episode of Doom Patrol
You have to be kind of retarded to even care about her.

Seems more like the problem is you being a screeching faggot.

While it undoubtedly does help, getting famous when you're a bit older doesn't necessarily guarantee that you won't go insane or become a hard-core druggie. Just look at John Boyega.

I didn't hate the character up until this. Strange is a hero because he has dedicated his life to protecting Earth. Wanda isn't a hero because she wants to be a housewife.

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> Said while posting Chris Evans who signed up for more Marvel after his Swan song.
The only MCU actor that is a household name that has done a lot of stuff is Benedict Cumberbatch.

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>Wanda isn't a hero because she wants to be a housewife.
Set aside the powerlevelfags and a big part of the appeal of Wanda, and of Vision as well is that they're the two weirdest Avengers who just want to live a normal life. Most of their big stories were about them trying to get to do the things normal people take for granted. The movies have time-skips of months or years between them, in which the Avengers were on-duty all the time, so it's not inherently wrong for any of them to want to make a life for themselves outside of that. Even Strange may have a job that calls for him to drop everything and go into action whenever needed, but he still tries to make a life for himself.

Reminder that literally any other character getting a story about trying to rescue their children would get a Taken-style story where they're unquestionably the hero and everyone standing in their way is unquestionably a villain, Wanda gets stupid stories about suddenly becoming a baby-crazy mad woman who fights heroes who don't want her to have her children back because reasons.

Chris Evans has been in other things though, even early 00s Capeshit

Olsen has been in NOTHING else

She was in godzilla, and that awful american Old Boy remake.

>lone actor doesn't have anything bigger than the entire MCU

Kill yourself

>Reminder that literally any other character getting a story about trying to rescue their children would get a Taken-style story where they're unquestionably the hero and everyone standing in their way is unquestionably a villain, Wanda gets stupid stories about suddenly becoming a baby-crazy mad woman who fights heroes who don't want her to have her children back because reasons.

Who are you even mad at though? You can't blame normal people for hating the character Wanda because she's been clearly written as a selfish psychopath. The people who are still supporting the character are clearly unhinged.