Arkham Harley Quinn

best girl

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She's just a regular Harley they didn't make any changes also, tara strong fucking sucks as Harley Quinn.

hey faggot go back to suck a tranny dick

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Imagine simping for a bloated Hollywood whore.

I nutted so hard at her Nurse costume, also at her art from the Arkham Asylum conversation rapes

Good games, and a decent interpretation of Harley, but fuck me if they didn't fuck up Harley as a character forever after.

Literally the best 3D version of this character. Why has not a single live action movie tried to do a costume similar?

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post it

Same universe, same character. What happened?

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The entire western gaming industry drank the kool-aid, and Rocksteady is no exception, female characters must look average to downright ugly so women, and trans folk, don’t feel inadequate.

this shit is going to be retconned the first week, looks like a Square enix game

So far their only connection is Knight Batman appearing as a statue in the trailer, so I'm hoping you're correct
I really do not want the trilogy to be ruined by some Ubisoft looking shit game

where are her tits

>male shoulders
>male chest
>no waist
>male torso
what a freak

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I like her take on Harley
reminds me of sorkin if she was a manic pixie girl

Arkhamverse Harley has had so many different looks over the last decade
This is the worst but I know they are gonna monetize skins just because of that

She's filling into her own identity in the absence of The Joker. She knows she can't go back to her life before he spirited her away, but she can't operate as the sidekick anymore either, so she takes a weird middle ground where she's more grounded in reality but still seeks out the same kinds of thrills she grew accustomed to under The Joker's wing.

Conner's version of Harley really turns me on, I just wish she could draw more nude art with her.

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I thought people were generally okay with Harley being a sexy character, but guess that changed or something?

Bodysuit harley >>>>
Every day

nah, as much as I love bodysuit Harls, slut Harls best Harls

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