
What's the last simpsons episode have you watched? What was your thoughts on it?
The last simpsons episode I watched was something the seven dwarfs trilogy episode, nothing particularly bad but it was boring.
What about you anons?

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the movie


Bart the genius.

It was good, felt bad for Bart.

What does the mean user? Care to explain?

can't remember, last thing i saw from the Simpsons noteworthy, was a clip of the guy with a bone in his head getting cucked by ned flanders

Last one I remember liking was where they find out Grandpa used to be a famous wrestling heel. Abe says he gave it up because he hated being despised, but Mr. Burns (who naturally was a fan of the character) convinces him to return because there's prestige in being the bad guy. This rubs off on Bart who stars acting like a douchebag villain character at little league games. Abe decides to craft a new persona that's good in order to beat up Burns or something.

had a kino song too.

I saw that one too, but I didn't like it; it was just unfunny

Why are they staring at Lisa in a creepy manner?

Latest one I watched was a few months ago when I was at my parents and the TV happened to be on. I zapped through and decided to watch a Simpsons episode to see how bad it was.

It was pretty bad. Don't even remember what the main plot was, but all the Simpsons family members picked up a book from a book store and decided to obsess over it or something. Homer or Bart read Art of War and decided to use its teachings to annoy the other.
There was one joke I smirked at though: when Daniel Radcliffe showed up at a book convention, he was swarmed by a bunch of screaming girl fans. One of them yelled "That's Daniel Radcliffe! He knows Rupert Grint!", which I found funny.


Because they post on Any Forums

Livin' La Pura Vida

Came on youtube when I was wasting time, surprisingly liked it but maybe because it had Chalmers in a hawaiian shirt, the second sexiest item of clothing a middle-aged man can wear.

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>the second sexiest item of clothing a middle-aged man can wear.
What's the first one?

stockings, garter belt with a thong, no bra tho thats gay.

No example cause blue boards are a police state.

Halloween time I watched a bunch of Treehouse of Horrors with friends through the month, the tone of them went from the classics that everyone knows at the start, to nostalgic episodes from when I grew up, to decent episodes that aren't as good as the first 12 Treehouse of horrors, to an absolute nosedive in quality where they're all just boring movie references with almost no horror and just constant pop culture references, to the final 3 which were absolute dogshit.

>the final 3
That one that had Tiktok right?

That one Halloween episode where Lisa developed a fear of monsters on Halloween.

That awful Bar short with Homer and Goofy

is there a guide to avoid shit episodes of the series? i wanna enjoy the newer seasons but still

If you see Matt Selman directing an episode, just know it's going to be good or at least not as bad as Al Jean directing an episode.
Also look at the writers; for example look at a writer like Tim Long and see his record history, is it good or bad? From what I have seen, he wrote the worst episodes from the series so she's shit. Likewise, Arnold Schwarzenegger made some of the best episodes of the series but he wrote some pretty shit ones during the Scully Era.
It's not all based on the writers and voice actors though, topical events/political message are often shit even when good writers/directors are involved.

The episode where Homer meets Kid Rock was the last new episode I ever saw. I didn't hate it but by that point I'd been watching the show for over a decade, had basically grown up with it, and it had run its course with me.

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Compared to modern simpsons. the scully era jad soul.