The High Republic

Phase I has come to a close. What do we think so far?

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maybe i just missed it but i'm only reading the comics and shit happening in the books and no one telling me is very disorienting.

The only time Star Wars has been good in my entire lifetime was The Mandalorian season 1.

The mainline adult books is critical

Then you must have shit taste.

the lack of whites makes me happy

If it's my bad taste, why didn't anyone want to talk about this shit?

Pretty sure they're calling you out for ignoring earlier stuff, even though you're probably just 12 or something.

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Jedi was 83

I was about to call you underageb&, but then I realized Clone Wars 2003 was 19 years ago


A rock.

That's the Knights of the Old Republic comic from 2006

This time, presumably the implication is they were born shortly before Jedi and are saying nothing has been good since then except one season of The Mandalorian. So back to bad taste I guess.

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No, I'm saying anyone born after 1983 can make the same claim I did. I was Mandalorian years old before good Star Wars happened in my life, and they kind of shit that down and then shoved his story into another series to crank up ratings

Lack of whites?

The comic series is fine. I hate Keeve's new haircut. It's worse than the first one.

I dont want to sound like a Drumpf loving hick but I dont like how they lean too heavily on the pandering diversity angle. The non-binary twins were a little much.

But other than that, its good Star Wars and more of what the franchise needs.

>The non-binary twins were a little much.
You wouldn't even know they were non binary if you didn't go on Twitter

Here's the good stuff since empire.

Thrawn trilogy, Clone Episodes, Rogue One, the Vader stabbing a crazy panels, the storm troopers finding vaders journal, Mandalorian.

This list excludes video games which have a better track record.

89er here, Star Wars was pretty cool shit when i was a kid, even before TPM. Shadows of the Empire was fucking awesome on N64, not to forget Rogue Squadron and X-Wing/Tie-Fighter. And even before then i had Super Star Wars.

The main deal was that it was all about da Vidya and maybe watch the Classic Trilogy on VHS.

Honestly the Star Wars IP had real good quality during the 90ies. Post-KotoR is when things got increasingly shaky and Force Unleashed was very much a "Love it or hate it" back when it happened (2008), i remember a lot of butthurt about it.

I'd chalk anyone saying "Star Wars was never good in my life time" to just be a "kid". born in 00s or latter.

I don’t use Twitter. It’s pretty obvious with how often it was stressed to call the the characters “they and them” every couple pages

>Honestly the Star Wars IP had real good quality during the 90ies.
This, right up until the prequels shat the bed and Lucasarts started flailing around trying to recover. There's nothing worse for quality than executives in panic mode.

I remember being genuinely stoked going into the Phantom Menace, and coming out going wtf was that?

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>Rogue One

The prequels are kino