Which Flash toon were you more a fan of as a kid?

Which Flash toon were you more a fan of as a kid?

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Both! Homestar runner and happy tree friends

Attached: Tacoman.jpg (206x383, 24.95K)


i haven't seen this man's art in a million years

Attached: rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-staring.gif (220x220, 150.58K)

Is that the rabbit from Happy Tree Friends?

Roberto manfinfla and alejo y valentina

Homestar runner is a classic to this day, HTF wasn't much more than shock value, and its only legacy that i can remember was they were in the video in explaining youtube's copyright id system back in the day

Was this drawn by that male feminist Jackrabbit fucker who got outed for drawing loli hentai?

Homestar Runner was, and still is, a timeless classic.

this is a different guy

Homestar for me.
I was too squimish for Happy Tree Friends.

homestar is clever, witty and enjoyable to this day. HTF is nothing more than shock value DUDE BLOOD AND GUTS flash portal shit

>another fetish artist

>outed for drawing loli hentai
why is drawing cartoon characters naked a crime now


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Why are my Any Forumsmblr sisters so afraid of sex? Is it because they're incels?

I never see anyone talk about weebl and bob.

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Weebl and Bob, Cat Face and On The Moon was my stuff back in the day as a kid but Mr Weebl's stopped really animating and more focused on music and hired people like Wonchop, Sexual Lobster and Shmorkey to do the animations for his videos

They were both sick at different stages in my life.

Who are you talking about?

Attached: You woke her up.png (431x316, 56.71K)

I went looking for this guy's back catalog because I wanted to watch Smokey the Cigarette only to discover that his old cartoons have been scrubbed from the internet and are locked behind a 10 dollar Patreon subscription. I would almost respect the hustle if it didn't make me so fucking sick. I'll have memories of these shitty cartoons possibly forever and I can't even revisit them because the animator is trying to brute-force monetize his only relevant era. Fuck yourself, Sam. May you rot in obscurity.

They were such an oddly good fit for Youtube approach to copyright, because their Content ID system pretty much punished everyone unfairly and often times randomly. Then they'd make you watch this video from the series where character get skinned alive just because, and it didn't explain anything to you but wanted you to know, you brought it on yourself.

They would never come out and admit, "Yeah, it's all computers and sometimes they get it wrong, and we'll let people say they have ownership of any fucking thing, including and especially things they don't really own." One of the best ways to get a strike in those days was to foolishly pay for a license to something and then use said license, because you'd get scammed by a dozen companies pretending they held exclusive rights to that license.