Remind me again how Thor is “humble”? Because he’s still arrogant as ever...

Remind me again how Thor is “humble”? Because he’s still arrogant as ever. In fact the guy still does what he wants whenever because few are powerful enough to say no to him

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Doing whatever you want doesn't make you arrogant

Hey Tommy. I see you've added making the same anti Thor to your faux Harley threads, Doom threads, and Namor threads.

Attached: HarleyQuinnToes.png (1722x956, 2.34M)

Doing whatever you want because you confuse power with wisdom and think you know know best is indeed arrogance

Fuck Tommy and fuck you for trying to label the OP as his autism. You haven’t been here long enough to pick up his posting style yet so shut the fuck up and wise up. All you’re doing is making Thorfags look bad with such a knee jerk response

Thor's lame, not humble, OP
There's a humility there, but it doesn't come from self-awareness

Tommy you're not some high IQ level super villain. Its pretty easy to pick you up, once you see it a dozen times. It becomes clear as day when you make a thread.

Thor only seems to be humble when he’s not allowed to play with his hammer

user I’m telling you you’re an idiot who can’t pick up on Tommy spam. The Hawkman threads are his calling card, not this crap. Tommy’s a fag but so are you for trying to label everyone under is autism banner.

Now do you actually have something to contribute to the thread or not?

Humblecucked by feminine hammer

And I'm telling you Tommy that you're a retard.

Seriously, you're not clever. Or subtle.

Tommy doesn’t deny it when called out, he just ignores you and flips the conversation back to his insane topics/accusations or references people that don’t exist. I like Harley and Doom, I don’t care about his crazy rants, and I don’t have an opinion on Namor at all. I’m explaining this to you so you can actually see his posting patterns, because this thread isn’t it. You’re just making it more confusing to call him out, unless you actually want that?

Wait, is Tommy a Thorfag? Because the OP isn’t even that scathing and yet you’re throwing a fit

>Remind me again how Thor is “humble”?
He doesn't go around telling everyone to call him Dr. Odinson.

Although that would be FUCKING HILARIOUS if he did. Picture unrelated.

Attached: chucklefuck.png (746x814, 158.77K)

Why do people make threads talking about Superman with Thor as the OP?

Fans and writers alike seem to hate Blake for some odd reason so I don’t think that’s likely. Strange does though. Actually come to think of it Doctor Strange is Thor’s humility origin done better

Why do you frequently cry Superman whenever we talk about Thor?

why should gods be humble?

I think it's because Superman beat the fuck out of Thor, and they're still seething about it

No that’s your deluded headcanon.

Because similiar things can be said about any heavy hitter.
Wonder Woman
and on
and on
and on
plus this thread has been spammed for about a month now.

>This thread has been spammed for a month now
How is this thread spammed? It asked a legitimate question, the first time it’s been asked in fact

Strange calls Thor Dr. Odinson?