Any Forums says peacemaker is great

>Any Forums says peacemaker is great
>its actually shit
Why did Any Forums lie?

Attached: peacemaker.jpg (1000x1481, 319.62K)

>I have shit taste
That's nice, OP

>Any Forums says peacemaker is great
It's a tiny minority of paid shills and unironic fans, most people think is straight shit or plain mediocre.

If you haven't figured this out yet you might be special needs OP

Attached: RJUoVXW6E8Erhs1f4104quRJZOHUd76xAurDrh3AxOg.jpg (640x480, 37.92K)

It isn't just a setup for the next movie so that already puts it ahead of the Disney+ shows. I prefer Doom Patrol though

its bad because sexuality reveal in the last episode

>Paid shills are paid to shill Hollywood garbage on Any Forums like every other fucking time
>Its garbage
>"Why did Any Forums lie???"
Stop being a stupid faggot OP

Personally I’m enjoying it, but I’ll admit it’s not for everyone. It’s just a fun weird show that has its roots in Troma style filmmaking

if this were 2008 OP would be a faggot but since we're more progressive in 2022 OP instead maintains an organic garloid farm and believes in his own crypto while boiling urine for the health benefits.

You're mistaking WBshills advertising their dead streaming service and DCucks who love eating shit for Any Forums

>It isn't just a setup for the next movie

Attached: Screenshot_20211218-072451_Chrome.jpg (1080x1410, 522.29K)

Because there's one guy who keeps making peacemaker threads and mentioning him eveywhere


>most people
Oh really? How'd you conduct your little survey?

user, characters appearing in other projects doesn't mean that Peacemaker is setup for that project. It's its own project


>i don't like it, and my neighbors dog howled during the showing
>100% disatisfaction rate, NPCs online don't count

This is how they actually think

>Any Forums
>important enough for paid shills
>current year
Pick 2


Attached: chadmaker.jpg (1435x978, 177.54K)

Wait, what?

By noting how many redditors like you suspiciously come out of the woodwork with buzzword insults every time its criticized.

>her what if captain america was an asshole

Masterful Storytelling DCEU.