Marcline Struggles with existentialism due to being immortal

>Marcline Struggles with existentialism due to being immortal
>finn struggles with coming of age and all the cringy shit that comes with it, (among other things)

I can go on but how come bubble gum doesn’t have a big chip on her shoulder like the other characters do?

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She manifests her emotional baggage by committing war crimes and getting away with them.
Either that or suppressing it deep down.

They were gonna go for it but I guess they dipped out. Adventure time is just a giant blue ball of a show. I seriously hate it even though I acknowledge it is a decent show

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I was rewatching the first two seasons of adventure time and they're so soulful. Compared with some random episodes I watched from season 4 or 5, it feels like a different show.
Going 3deep5u was definitely a mistake.

What the fuck are you talking about?
She struggled with the realization of her evil actions and had to accept them and change.
Also the acceptance of her vulnerability and the legacy of her people, to let go and accept things as they are instead of being a tyrant gumgod

I didn't even mind the more mature, and melencholic tone the later seasons had. They just had so many oppurtunities for great emotional conflicts they passes up
>princess bubblegums tryanny
>finn's conflict with his mom
>ice king disappearing
I dont think there was atleast one guy in the writing staff who wanted to explore those topics more. I remember an user a few years back calling it an "anti show" which dilibritly chose to avoid giving us satisfying conclusions.

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Her struggle is being conquered by human men

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PB has arguably the biggest chip on her shoulder out of any character on the show. Her ego and fucked up childhood led her to not be able to form close relationships with people on the same level as her. The only way she knew how to sustain relationships was to rule over them like a god, which is obviously toxic as fuck. She had to learn to let go of her need to be in control, and be vulnerable to others in order to have meaningful personal relationships, and lead a balanced life.

I actually prefer season 4 and the first half of season 5, and found season 1.2 to be bland “lol random” comedy seasons

We actually got to explore different stories and subject matter, but unlike season 6, the show remembered to have fun

second half of season 5 is better.

Really? How come

I found the first half of season 5 to be a bit mediocre. Not terrible, but not many really great episodes. Second half has more clunkers, but also really great stuff like Time Sandwich, We Fixed a Truck, Bad Timing, and LemonHope. Just my take. I don't hate any season.

I'm still mad about her smashing the Fire Giants
she's a villain who got away with everything

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She should have been the final villian
Muto kept on talking about subverting expectations but all we got was depressed Finn
The hero fighting the princess however is actual god subverting expectations

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Destroying the enemies nuke supply is smart and based

I often wonder how kino this show could have been if it had a single writer, or a team of two who were on the same page.


Not really, every time she fucked up, she got rewarded in the end from crying and lezzing out which was leftover bullshit Muto carried from Sugar. The final season showed she was lying to the very end until she was forced to come clean and even the flashforward showed she goes back to being a cloaked tyrant.

AT suffers because the morality is skin deep. PB isn't "redeemed" because she genuinely changed for the better, she was whitewashed because she's a lesbian. Even her new special with Marcy showed that she was still fascist like before, but she only corrected herself because Marcy was watching, and she didn't want to risk being called out again.
Bubblegum is rewarded for bad behavior because of Sugar's fujoshittery and braindead toadies like Muto. If she wasn't a lesbian she'd of been slain like the Lich ages ago.

Who has that Any Forums-written smut fanfic about older Fin fucking all of the girls (Huntress Wizard, Marceline, BB, Fire Princess).

I looked at it once but never finished it. Not sure if it was on Pastebin or what.

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she's a sociopath, emotional growth isn't really what they're good at