Go woke, go broke

Go woke, go broke

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>cherry picked image on the left
I can find pics of her that closer resemble the right.

what are they mad about?

You guys are really reaching for content.

And honestly, it's not a bad thing if they reinvent the character.

Can anyone name one good America story? Just one? Ultimates doesn't count, she was just there.

There was a big thing a while back of people saying the actress was white. They wanted her to be Afro-latina. God forbid America Chavez be played by a Native American.

American Chavez is an AYYYYYYY who looks like a hispanic girl as far as I am aware.

She wasn't bad in Young Avengers.

Remember, go cute cash shoots

If America was adorable due to being apprehensive then people would love her

what is exactly the problem?

>twitter thread
How about you go broke in traffic?

That girl on the right honestly looks more like Kamala Khan than the girl they got to play Kamala Khan.

>Literally who twittertard thread

I have a cousin who looks exactly like her face wise but whiter

You CANNOT convince me these are supposed to be the same character.

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I was about to say the same thing

nah, idris as heimdall was cool as fuck

They're not. They're elseworlds versions. Movies don't overwrite existing canon material; they create a separate universe.

Speaking of the Little Mermaid one. Did that ever come out or no.

That's true, but that's the thing about making your character 90% just their ethnicity, they're locked in to a Paki actor no matter what, otherwise there'd be hell to pay.

Seems like the person in the OP grasped that concept enough to make her avatar a black version of Cyclone, but still decided to raise a stink about America's appearance.

Wrong hawkgirl and wally.
Also the biggest problem is that the actor is a teenage girl.

Keep going