Do you like DC/Marvel amalgams? Do you think there are better fan examples than what was in the actual books...

Do you like DC/Marvel amalgams? Do you think there are better fan examples than what was in the actual books? Could it be a substantial fictional universe to hold books or merely a gimmick?

Attached: Super Soldier Amalgam Superman Captain America.jpg (1920x1920, 506.65K)

>Do you think there are better fan examples than what was in the actual books?

With ones like dr.doomsday. It's not that hard to do.

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I imagine it could work if they actually put effort in it and it wasn't less HERES A RETARDED FUSION BETWEEN SPIDER-MAN AND SUPERBOY, and more of combining characters that work.

Better Amalgam Super Soldier design than the one was officially released, the lack of gloves and that half-cowl was pretty whack.

Literally just Doomsday cosplaying Doom (with silver skiis), I kind of love it.

This design could use more work, because at is it it's just Doomsday wearing Victor's cloak. Perhaps something a bit more metallic in the skin, mostly in the face region. Plus I don't know if that's an appropriate mashup considering its based just on similar names. Then again the closest thing to Doom would probably be Luthor, and that doesn't offer much in terms of visual appeal.
Yeah Spider-Boy was one of the weaker ones, and least of my favorites. I guess the mentality at the time was Superboy being the new big thing and being similar in age to Peter?

What about Doom and Brainiac? Or Doom and Black Adam?

It's perfect honestly. The interesting bit is that this would logically lead to a Clark/Reed fusion as the hero. Mr. Super? Super-Fantastic?

You know Sinestro or Black Adam would arguably work given their methods. I kind of like that. Which do you prefer? Sinestro technically qualifies as a dictator too given how he enslaved his home planet Koragar

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Then would Lois and Sue also get amalgam’d? And Jimmy Olsen and Johnny Storm?

If I was to make a Green Lantern amalgam I would 100% choose Ghost Rider. They've got a decent bit of overlap to begin with and the visuals alone would be great.

I say Reed would be better mixed with Mister Terrific and Sue with say, let's go with Cyclone

I like how this artist chose Sif over Thor for Wonder Woman. I suppose Valkyrie could have worked too. The only went with Storm given her recognition. Flash and Ghost Rider fused for the sake of the name "Speed Demon"

Attached: Wonder Woman Sif Amalgam Norse.jpg (1211x2041, 696.62K)

not to be that guy but the racial component here would be something.
that's a tough one. Black Adam for the mystical nature of his powers, but Sinestro because of how he acquired his powers and because subduing and coopting fear from Parallax is something I can totally see Doom doing. If Doom were involved with lanterns he'd probably power drain the central battery once every few years
I once had a dream that Thor and Sif were amalgamed with Mister Miracle and Big Barda respectively so their strengths were sort of...evened out? anyway, that's why I ship Thor and Big Barda heh..

lets give them some credit, the logic between fusing spider-man and superboy was that at the time they were both clones.

Ben Reilly was the active spiderman. A lot of almagram was a product of it's time.

If they did an almagram now you'd see him merged with some the flash or something.

personally I wanna see a Danny Rand/Barry Allen amalgam

Flash and Ghost Rider worked since both the successors were superior to their predecessors.

So is Evil Strange the same as the one from What If?

I like them when they're not too obvious. Like Superman/Cap seems pretty boring and straightforward. Give me something ore creative.

skiis like black racer
doctor doom
and silver surfer
why those four

I still really wonder what the logic was behind fusing Mxyzptlk with Wong and having Charles Xavier be Nabu's host in Dr. Strangefate. Why not create a Kent Strange? Or Stephen Nelson? Or if there needs to be a third character fused in, why not Adam Strange (That way we could see Clea/Alanna) or Hugo (As far back as 1978 there were jokes about that in Strange Apparitions)? And mentioning but not showing Baron Wotan was really disappointing.

I guess it depends on the combinations, I like some, others are eeehh. Still i think at some point some combinations will get crazy especially when you factor sidekicks into it.

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If they wanted to mix Doom with a Superman villain, a Doom and Zod amalgam would be baller.
General Doom-Zod being a military leader who was opposed actively by Jor-El after delving into arcane arts shunned by the more science-inclined kryptonian society. Doom-Zod got banished to the Negative Zone and its why he and his followers outlived Krypton.
Now imagine he escapes after Mister Terrific and his Terrific Four first breach into the Negative Zone; and that's when he finds not only a new world to conquer, but also his nemesis' child alive and well.

>I guess the mentality at the time was Superboy being the new big thing and being similar in age to Peter?

I guess, a sign of the times it came out.
If there was a modern Amalgam, we'd probably see a trinity made by Super-Soldier, Iron Bat, and Captain Wonder.