This tiny piece of shit is supposed to somehow protect your secret identity

>this tiny piece of shit is supposed to somehow protect your secret identity

Attached: Domino Mask.jpg (500x500, 31.3K)

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Yes next question

You are 40 years late user.

Attached: Ms. Marvel Epic Collection - This Woman, This Warrior-291.jpg (1988x3056, 2.19M)

Attached: 489-4896606_fedora-transparent-png-fedora-perry-the-platypus-clipart.png (2636x1197, 85.53K)

It works, people still haven't figured out that he's actually Decoy Octopus.

Attached: Skull-face-profile.png (1100x1080, 1.09M)

Most people recognize it's outdated, so works that want to be taken seriously don't use it anymore, unless they're going for a specific aesthetic deliberately.

Domino masks are sexy.

Attached: attxJQM3iFPogfqPaszyb5_1l7vBZ70MdqiOgOx2zGOavqyUaI16KDLigBn1.jpg (1988x3056, 1.49M)

Attached: 1571270558812.jpg (2079x3136, 268.17K)

Looks like it works TOO well if it fooled you this hard
That is actually Iriquois Plinskin from MGS2 coming back for revenge

Attached: feathers mcgraw.jpg (736x555, 47.37K)

This. I made one and wear it on occasion.

Don’t care it looks cool.
Just like large shoulder pads, high heels, hoods and capes.


Muh lady

it works for webcamgirls

>this tiny piece of shit is supposed to somehow protect your secret identity

Attached: 61ypeEZt9wL._AC_UY1000_.jpg (2172x1000, 62.53K)

Think again basic normie nerd

Attached: clark-kent-to-superman.gif (640x640, 2.13M)

how the fuck

Yes and it works well too

It's actually pretty clever. The risk of being discovered doesn't happen during your dangerous adventures, and also nobody is wondering about your secret id during your superheroing because they just naturally assume you don't have one.

What's this random fedora lying around? Why would somebody just leave a nice fedora on the floor like that. It might get dirty or get stepped on by a giant frog. How did it even get in my bedroom in the first place?