Remember when some literal who autist fanfaggot was trying to smear the Courage creator?

Remember when some literal who autist fanfaggot was trying to smear the Courage creator?
Wonder where he is now?
Did he commit suicide?

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Hopefully so

I hope Kevin Piastra fucking killed himself just like his troon ex will do soon.

Fuck you kevin is a chad, don't talk about his sweet angel like that again.

Is John D still retweeting anti-lockdown shit?

Kevin, get off Any Forums and have your "messenger" send more pics of you exposing your as an underhanded little bitch.


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>Is John D still retweeting anti-lockdown shit?

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Trump lost

>Trump lost

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I get the cringe factor of Any Forums creators doing nothing but post political views on twitter all day, but there's really nothing controversial about opposing lockdowns. They are being used as political tools to silence and smear anybody that disagrees as anti-science, when science actually proves they're ineffective.

People are allowed to have opinions. Even if they are stupid or controversial.

....They are being used as political tools to silence and smear anybody ..

As this board since trump won, suddenly what some bunch of faggots had to say become relevant for the status quo,
I'm tired user

>on bitchute

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I don't even know what the hell you're trying to say. You're either esl or retarded.

I mean if he's trans the chances are around 40 percent

And the guy they installed is everything you faggots claimed Trump would be. Thanks retard you made the country worse than any trumptard did.

Turns out plague rats are full of shit. Again.

They hated him because he told the truth. Too bad the pro-Covid crowd are so easily triggered.

At this point I really wish for a supercovid variant that will finish off all the Republican antivax trumpnigger miga tards for good. At least discourse on this site will dramatically improve after that

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>my paid source is better than your paid source
And I did not say anything about vaccine effectiveness. People being vaxxed is exactly why I think ongoing lockdowns are ridiculous. Because I disagree with one of your points, you attack my character by calling me antivax, so thank you for proving my point.